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National Research Council. 1965. Septic Shock: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

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Publication Info

342 pages |  7 x 11 |  DOI:
Chapters skim
Front Matter i-iv
Introduction 1-1
Circulatory and Other Effects of Endotoxin in Man 2-12
Experimental Production of Lethal Escherichia coli Bacteremia of Pelvic Organ 13-40
Discussion 41-45
Studies of Shock Secondary to Staphylococcus Exotoxin 46-60
Bacteremic Shock 61-66
Gram-Negative Rod Bacteremia: An Analysis of 100 Patients 67-76
Discussion 77-81
Septic Shock and Terminal Sepsis in Critically Ill Surgical Patients 82-94
The Role of E. coli in Experimental Intestinal Strangulation 95-101
Discussion 102-104
Synergistic Toxicity of Gram-Negative Bacteria and Free Colloidal Hemoglobin 105-120
Discussion 121-127
Hemodynamic Changes in Gram-Negative Bacteremia with Shock 128-134
Hemodynamics of Septic Shock in Man 135-148
Hemodynamics of Septic Shock in Man 149-159
The Hemodynamic Effects of Therapeutic Agents in Experimental Endotoxic Shock 160-172
Discussion 173-185
Hemodynamic and Metabolic Observations in Hemorrhagic and Septic Shock in Man 186-201
Discussion 202-204
Hypoxia Resulting from Coliform Infections in Animals 205-222
Biochemical Patterns in Septic Shock: The Role of Hypoxic Acidosis 223-230
Excess Lactate as an Index of Reversibility of Shock in Human Patients 231-236
Studies of Lactate Levels of Man in Shock 237-247
Treatment of Acidosis in Experimental Endotoxic Shock 248-259
Discussion 260-267
The Protective Effects of Aldosterone and Hydrocortisone against the Lethality of Experimental Endotoxemia and Exotoxemia and against Experimental Infections 268-275
Discussion 276-280
High-Pressure Oxygen in the Treatment of Experimental Septic Shock 281-294
Discussion 295-295
The Treatment of Human Endotoxic Shock 296-311
Discussion 312-327
Summation of the Workshop 328-331
Registrants 332-336

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