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TRB’s Transit Research Analysis Committee (TRAC) has delivered a letter report to Ronald Hynes, Acting Associate Administrator, Office of Research, Demonstration, and Innovation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The May 4, 2007, letter report examines the strategic direction and balance of FTA’s research, including the importance of rail transit research in the agency’s portfolio. The letter report addresses approaches FTA should take to ensure that its overall research portfolio is appropriately balanced and that both the portfolio and individual projects within it are responsive to the goals and objectives articulated in FTA’s strategic research plan. The letter report also reviews activities FTA should pursue to help ensure that its national agenda for transit research engages the attention of a range of stakeholders, including high-level decision makers. The TRAC was convened by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) in response to a request from the FTA. The committee has been charged with advising FTA as the agency develops a strategic agenda for transit research and with identifying the roles that FTA and industry stakeholders could play in carrying out that agenda.

Suggested Citation

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2007. Transit Research Analysis Committee Letter Report: May 4, 2007. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

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8.5 x 11 |  DOI:

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