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Motion | Pages 42-43 | (back to unlinked version)

Tidal Forces

All points on worlds in orbit around one another feel the gravitational pull of the other body. However, the sides facing each other feel the most pull (longest arrows, right), whereas the far sides feel the least. These differential tidal forces distort the round shape of planets and moons and are responsible for the tides on Earth. A high tide occurs on the side of Earth facing the Moon because the Moon pulls more strongly on water there than it pulls on the center of Earth itself. And because the Moon tugs on water on the other side of Earth even less than it does on the planet's center, a high tide also occurs on the other side (right). The Moon's surface bulges three times higher than does Earth's, however, and Earth's pull has slowed the smaller body's rotation so that the Moon always shows us the same face (opposite).

Gravitational Torture

The same forces that cause tides on Earth squeeze and stretch Io, the innermost of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter. Gravitational forces generate enormous frictional heat in Io's interior, much as a tennis ball warms up if it is repeatedly squeezed. The moon's multicolored surface (left) is the product of this inner roiling: Volcanoes dwarfing any on Earth remake Io's surface with relentless new lava flows and deposits of sulfur dioxide.


Io External Link: A comprehensive resource about Io, compiled by NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab.suffers extreme tidal flexing because of the competing pulls of its giant planet and its three neighboring moons (left). In one 41-hour orbit, parts of Io's surface can rise and fall more than 300 feet, the equivalent of a 30-story building.

spins beneath the Moon. The Sun also raises tides on Earth but only about half as effectively because it is much farther away. The large distance leads to a relatively small difference in the Sun's gravitational force between one side of Earth and the other.

Billions of years of tidal pulls between Earth and the Moon have altered their orbits and rotations. Tidal friction within the Moon, part of which was molten early in its history, slowed its spin significantly. Today, it rotates just once each time it circles Earth. We call that phenomenon "tidal lock External Link: This movie shows the phases of the Moon, and how tidal lock has caused our viewing angle of the Moon's face to stay fixed.." It's the reason that we see the same face of the Moon each night. The Moon slows Earth's spin as well but much more gradually because of Earth's larger angular momentum. Still, a day on Earth was much shorter in the past. For instance, growth rings in fossilized corals indicate that 400 million years ago each day was just 22 hours long. The length of our days now increases at the rate of 16 seconds per million years, still not enough extra time for us to get everything done.

The same tidal forces happen with more dramatic results around Jupiter. The moon Io, the closest of Jupiter's Galilean satellites, is the most tidally tortured object in the solar system. The combined gravitational pulls of Jupiter's other major moons--primarily Europa External Link: A comprehensive resource about Europa, compiled by NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab., the next nearest--tug Io External Link: A comprehensive resource about Io, compiled by NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab.to and fro in its otherwise circular orbit. Massive Jupiter thus inflicts powerful and ever-changing tidal stresses on Io. This churns the moon's interior and melts it, just as you could liquefy a bag of ice (continued)

tidal lock External Link: This movie shows the phases of the Moon, and how tidal lock has caused our viewing angle of the Moon's face to stay fixed.

Earth's much greater gravitational pull has slowed the Moon's axial rotation so that it now spins once in the same amount of time it takes to complete one orbit of Earth: 27.32 Earth days. Thus we always see the same side of the Moon (left), with its dark maria, or plains of ancient lava flows. The less familiar far side (right), photographed by astronauts and space probes, shows the cratered history of meteoritic bombardment.