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Currently Skimming:

Pages 104-126

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From page 104...
... Demonstration of the prototype indicates that although it is useless against obstacles, the plow can be effective in removing mines from inland minefields and from the surf and craft landing zones and would be particularly useful in humanitarian demining. Tests have also
From page 105...
... The guinea pig concept has been tested, it has utility under certain MCM conditions, and it should not be allowed to drop from the corporate memory. The panel notes the utility of an unmanned, remotely controlled, GPS-navigated barge with sufficient independent compartments, filled with buoyant material such as hardened polymer foam, to withstand several mine blasts of the type expected in the surf zone to high water mark.
From page 106...
... The bottom of the channel is deepened, and mines and obstacles that may not be removed will be on or in the new bottom, which should be deep enough that assault vehicles will not contact them. Contact is important because contact mines are generally the most difficult mines to destroy.
From page 107...
... Among the impediments to breaching the surf and craft landing zones are the durability of some of the mine types that are typically deployed in near-shore waters and the consequent difficulty of destroying them. 1Naval Studies Board.
From page 108...
... G Acronyms and Abbreviations AAAV Advanced amphibious assault vehicle ACSAS Advanced conformal submarine acoustic sensors ACTD Advanced Concepts Technology Demonstration ADS Advanced deployable system ALISS Advanced Lightweight Influence Sweep System AM Alternating magnetic AMCM Advanced mine countermeasures AMNSYS Airborne Mine Neutralization System ARG Amphibious ready group ARSRP Acoustic Reverberation Special Research Program ASTAMID Airborne Standoff Minefield Detection System AS UW Anti surface w arfare ASW Antisubmarine warfare ATACM Army tactical missile ATD Advanced technology demonstration ATOC Acoustic-tomography-climate C2 Command and control C4I Command, control, communications, computing, and intelligence CAPTOR Encapsulated torpedo CAVES Conformal acoustic velocity sensors CCD Charged-coupled device CEC Cooperative engagement capability CIA Central Intelligence Agency CIMMD Close-in Man-portable Mine Detector 108
From page 109...
... JLAN Joint littoral awareness network JMCIS Joint Maritime Command Information System JSTARS Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System LCAC Landing craft, air cushioned LDRT Low drag ramjet LF Low frequency LEA Low-frequency active LIDAR Light detection and ranging LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LLTV Low-light-level television LPI Low probability of intercept LSD Landing ship dock LSM Littoral sea mine MAD Magnetic anomaly detector M&S Modeling and simulation MCM Mine countermeasures MCS Mine countermeasures support (ship) MEMS Microelectromechanical systems ME Medium frequency ML(A)
From page 110...
... NSSN Nuclear-powered attack submarine, new version NSWC Naval Surface Warfare Center ONR Office of Naval Research ORSMC Off-route Smart Mine Clearance OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense PRC People's Republic of China QOL Quality of life R&D Research and development RAMICS Rapid Airborne Mine Clearance System RECO Remote command and control RF Radio frequency RMOP Remote Minehunting Operational Prototype RMS Remote Minehunting System ROC Republic of China ROV Remotely operated vehicle RPF Rigid polyurethane foam SAR Synthetic aperture radar SEAL Sea, air, land (team) SNR Signal-to-noise ratio SOSUS Sound Surveillance System SPOT Systeme Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre (French satellite)
From page 111...
... APPENDIX G VLSI VSW VIOL VV&A WAA WP 111 Very large scale integration Very shallow water Vertical takeoff and landing Verification, validation, and accreditation Wide-aperture array Wattenberg Plow

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