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Pages 11-15

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 11...
... Introduction 11 1.5 Current Communications Center Models ACCs may be challenging to design and build. Each airport is unique in terms of location, existing infrastructure, aircraft and passenger traffic, operational environment, and other issues; each airport operator has its own ideas of how to manage ACC-type functions and integrate them with airport IT assets; and each airport has different staffing and budgetary issues that define and limit the extent to which an ACC can be configured and supported.
From page 12...
... 12 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers • Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
From page 13...
... Introduction 13 number (usually 9-1-1) for police, firefighters, and ambulances, and is staffed by trained telephone operators who are responsible for dispatching these emergency services.
From page 14...
... 14 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers 1.6.1 Virtual ACC Configuration A virtual configuration is a multi-function ACC not housed physically in one location. This may be necessary for various reasons, most typically because no single structure is available that possesses all of the physical attributes needed.
From page 15...
... Introduction 15 organization, but not all, will be physically co-located for better collaboration, information sharing, and decision-making. For example, operational activities such as facility and building management and airside and landside operations may happen in a single location.

Key Terms

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