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Currently Skimming:

Pages 116-120

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From page 116...
... SUMMARY HOWARD W EMMONS Harvard University Trymg to summanze such an excellent set of papers which already have been very brief summaries of an enormous background of work is not somethmg that one can do very effectively except with a clear understandmg of the purpose of that summary. The purpose of this meetmg is to answer a certam very difficult question which, m spite of all the complexities that were discussed today, we have most successfully avoided.
From page 117...
... ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S ' 269 There are very important basic chenucal questions in fires. However, that is not enough information to decide the issue of where to put our research money Before decidmg where to put our research money, we should not only answer the question, "Is chemistry important and exactly what is the detaded chemistry of this process?
From page 118...
... 270 FIRE RESEARCH and I agree that today we did hear important reasons why ignition and extinguishment and other aspects of the fire raise very important chemical questions. That still does not really get at the question of where we should put our money because we have yet to answer the second question, "What do we thmk our chances are of domg somethmg about i t ' " I f you thmk that the probabihty of gettmg somethmg useful out of a given piece of research is near zero, then near zero is the amount of effort you should put mto that part as compared to somethmg else that would have a more immediate and greater payoff.
From page 119...
... ABSTRACTS AND REVIEWS 271 or 20 percent for fire science and technology we, in the long run, are going to have to invest a fau- amount in the chemical area. Perhaps as much as 15 percent to 25 percent of the fire science pie.
From page 120...
... 272 FIHE BESEAECH We Will have one or two simple one-step reactions. The chemist's help is essential, not to come up with a detailed knowledge of every reaction step but rather with the right mix of controUmg steps.

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