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Currently Skimming:

Pages 121-124

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From page 121...
... THE ROLE OF CHEMISTRY IN FIRE PROBLEMS -- A CHEMIST'S SUMMARY R . F R I S T R O M Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins Umverstty This symposium has presented a senes of papers outlining the contributions which chemistry has made and contmues to make in the areas of: Combustion, Thermodynamics, Chemical Kmetics, Analytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, and the Chemistry of Fire Retardance and Suppression.
From page 122...
... 274 FIRE HESEARCH Fure Hazard Problems The evaluation of fire hazard reqmres an understandmg of chemistry. This mvolves both a quahtative and quantitative problem (1)
From page 123...
... ABSTRACTS AND REVIEWS 275 problem mvolvmg complex sohd and heterogeneous phase chemistry. Here much information is available, but i t requires more systematic evaluation.
From page 124...
... 276 FIRE RESEARCH An understandmg of this field involves almost the whole of mdustnal chemistry. In this context one should consider both people and property.

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