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Currently Skimming:

Pages 126-134

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 126...
... V 1993 Brazil's program to use ethanol as transportation fuel loses steam Chem Eng News (Oct.)
From page 127...
... 1994. Effects of dilute acid and steam explosion pretreatments on the cellulose structure and kinet ics of cellulose fraction hydrolysis by dilute acids in lignocellulosic materials.
From page 128...
... 1977. Bench scale research in thermochemical conversion of biomass to liquids in support of Albany experimental facility.
From page 129...
... 1987. Genetic engineering of ethanol production in Escherichia coli.
From page 130...
... 1993. Genetic engineering of commercially useful biosynthetic pathways in transgenic plants.
From page 131...
... 1994. Impact of governmental policies, regulations, and standards activities on an emerging biodegradable plastics industry.
From page 132...
... 1998. Preliminary Assessment of the Effects of the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Trade Regulations.
From page 133...
... 1995. Design and demonstration of an immobilized-cell fluidized bed reactor for the efficient production of ethanol Appl Biochem Biotechnol 51/52: 559-568.
From page 134...
... 1992. Ethanol production from cellobiose, amorphous cellulose, and crystalline cellulose by recombinant Klebsiella oxytoca containing chro mosomally integrated Zymomonas mobilis genes for ethanol production and plas mids expressing thermostable cellulase genes from Clostridium thermocellum.

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