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Bridge Inspection Practices (2007) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 13-25

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From page 13...
... state DOTs all have staff designated as leaders of bridge inspection teams. Titles include Team Leader, Lead Inspector, Bridge Inspector, Safety Inspector, Supervising Inspector, and District Inspector.
From page 14...
... Other Inspection Staff Titles Other staff titles in bridge inspection programs include bridge management engineers; database engineers; bridge appraisal engineers; and equipment operators for snoopers, cranes, and under bridge inspection vehicles or trucks (see Table E7)
From page 15...
... require training for program managers and inspection team leaders in an FHWA-approved comprehensive course in bridge inspection. (Available NHI training courses and in-house state DOT courses are noted in Table E21 in Appendix E)
From page 16...
... . Underwater Bridge Inspection Team Leader, Underwater Bridge Inspector U.S.
From page 17...
... of staff General Inspectors for Bridges 5 LCPC -- Technical Director for Bridges 1 State Bridge Inspection Program Manager 1 District Managers CDOA Chief 100 (in 2006) Inspection Team Leaders 50 (LRPC)
From page 18...
... Inspection Team Leaders 50 Bridge Inspectors 100 Underwater Inspectors 20 Job Title SRA Staff Consultant Staff Inspection Program Manager 2 -- Team Leaders and Bridge Inspectors 20 30 Equipment Inspectors -- 6 Regular Inspectors (road foremen)
From page 19...
... Can make reports Extended Routine Inspection Road foreman Have a good knowledge of bridge maintenance Be able to describe damage Be able to propose improvements Can evaluate the need for preventive maintenance Principal Inspection Bridge inspector The inspector will normally be an engineer Good observation abilities Knowledge of damage concepts Knowledge of damage causes The ability to distinguish significant damage from insignificant damage The ability to evaluate the consequences of damage The ability to evaluate cleaning and maintenance conditions A fair knowledge of materials technology and the mode of action of major structures Knowledge of repair methods and cost estimates Experience in the technical supervision of bridge work Economic Special Inspection Bridge inspector Good knowledge of the causes and development of damage Good knowledge of repair methods Good overview of the influence of repair works on other structural components Experience in bridge design and construction Good knowledge of construction methods and materials technology Good knowledge of cost estimates for repair works Able to make a general evaluation of various repair strategies Able to judge when specialist help is needed for traffic aspects and calculation of road-user costs, evaluation of available condition registrations, and evaluation of load-carrying capacity Technical Special Inspection Bridge inspector Good knowledge of the causes and development of damage Good knowledge of investigation methods Able to decide on the necessary extent of the investigation Experience in work planning Good knowledge of construction methods and materials technology Able to judge when specialist help is needed for special registrations (measurement specialists) , materials technology, special investigations, evaluation of the results of investigations, and carrying out structural calculations TABLE 14 DENMARK: BRIDGE INSPECTOR QUALIFICATIONS TABLE 15 DENMARK: INSPECTIONS AND INSPECTORS Title Training Bridge Department Manager No obligatory training programs Bridge Inspectors Two days of refresher training every year, with inspection in field and calibrating of condition marks and repair cost estimates Underwater Inspectors Review of resumes of team members Bridge Load Rater Review of staff resumes.
From page 20...
... Certification (minimum) Bridge Inspection Program Manager Higher exam at a technical university Bridge inspector certification Inspection Staff Member Exam at a technical high school District Bridge Engineer Exam at a technical high school Certified Bridge Inspector Exam at a technical high school Bridge inspector certification Certified Bridge Inspector (for basic inspections)
From page 21...
... Equivalent Education Certification Inspection Team Leader or Project Manager (Chargé d'études) Civil engineering degree (Baccalauréat + 5 years or Bac + 2 years)
From page 22...
... There is no formal certification of bridge inspectors. German bridge inspectors and inspection team leaders must have five years experience in bridge design, construction, or maintenance.
From page 23...
... Inspection Program Manager Professional bridge engineer Engineering degree Inspection Team Leader Civil engineering degree PE license Bridge Inspector Civil engineering degree Senior Bridge Inspector Civil engineering degree PE license Underwater Inspector -- Certification as diver Inspection Specialists Civil engineering degree Major Culvert Inspector Technical civil diploma or degree * All titles except underwater inspector require certification by SANRAL.
From page 24...
... Where SRA personnel perform inspections, it may Title Experience (years) Inspection Program Manager 17 Senior Bridge Inspector 17 Bridge Inspector 5 Major Culvert Inspector 5 Inspection Specialists 17 Title Education Certification Inspection Program Manager Engineering degree Inspection Team Leader Engineering degree Certified completion of bridge inspection course Bridge Inspector Engineering degree Certified completion of bridge inspection course Underwater Inspector Engineering degree Certification for diving Inspection Specialists Engineering degree Mechanical, Electrical Equipment Inspector Engineering degree Equipment inspection certification Regular Inspector High school diploma TABLE 29 SOUTH AFRICA: INSPECTION PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS TABLE 30 SWEDEN: EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR INSPECTION STAFF Certification/Awarding Organization Description of Certification Certified Completion of Bridge Inspection Course/SRA Five-day course including three days of theory and two days of field practice (not compulsory)
From page 25...
... Much of the bridge inspection work for these countries is done by consultants. In Denmark, Principal inspections are performed by Directorate personnel, Finland has a set of reference bridges that are inspected by Finnra personnel, and in France large bridges are inspected by personnel of departmental agencies or by regional laboratories.

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