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Currently Skimming:

Pages 135-136

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From page 135...
... ABSTRACTS AND KEVIEWS 287 cellulose m nitrogen and air atmospheres Some chromatographic experiments using flame retarded cellulose (mono ammonium phosphate) are given and some general observations on the action of this flame retardant are recorded Lipska, A
From page 136...
... 288 F I B E KESEARCH The second highly significant finding of the current experimental work deals with the important effect of low concentrations of oxygen on the rate of decomposition of cellulose Comparative measurements of rates of decomposition of thick and thin samples indicate no effect of sample thickness if oxygen is carefully excluded. On the other hand, surface adsorption of low concentrations of oxygen appears to increase the rate of decomposition m the initial phase of pyrolysis of the thin (0.0043-in.)

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