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Currently Skimming:

Pages 141-142

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From page 141...
From page 142...
... 294 FIRE RESEARCH The purpose of Dr Kishitam's study was to attempt to gain an understandmg of the cause of death m fires where gases are involved In particular, he hoped to determine if the cause of death m this type of case was due to carbon monoxide and other gases paralyzing the muscles of the human body such that escape was made impossible Experiments were conducted m an attempt to determine "the harmful nature of a buildmg material at the time of its combustion." They were biological experiments involving male mice of the stram dd. The behavior of the mice up to the time of death were observed and recorded, and the cause of death was determmed The study had two distinct phases The toxicity of carbon monoxide was exammed in the one phase The other phase mtroduced buildmg materials under combustion In both phases electrocardiograms were obtamed for each subject.

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