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Currently Skimming:

Pages 15-21

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 15...
... When we think of how the university research program fits into the total role of financing research and development and demonstration projects, we are always conscious of the fact that the federal government contribution in dollars
From page 16...
... And it is, therefore, a federal responsibility to assist the transportation elements that are suffering extreme economic hardship and are in danger of collapse. And it is also the federal role to put forth leadership and funds where there is neither sufficient economic justification nor impetus in the private sector to perform those roles.
From page 17...
... It is also an energy question. But we do not yet have an adequate grasp of the extent to which the federal government should be involved in subsidizing intercity passenger service when private sector buses and air carriers can provide comparable service and public benefits.
From page 18...
... One university research project has already postulated a new automobile transmission and flywheel system of considerable promise for gasoline mileage improvement. This is an area where physical science and technology are helping.
From page 19...
... In many respects, of course, they are, and one of the most difficult debates in which I have ever participated in the federal government has been the attempt to balance the benefits from changes in the Clean Air Act and changes for fuel efficiency requirements mandated in the recent Energy Act. And it is something on which we in the federal government very much need advice and assistance, both in reaching decisions and in persuading the decision makers in Congress as to the proper result.
From page 20...
... In looking at this aircraft noise problem we found, I might add, that one university research study was particularly helpful. It established a technique for measuring the specific increases in property value in land adjoining an airport that would result from specific reductions in aircraft noise.
From page 21...
... For my part, I find confidence in the knowledge that we have assisting us staffs of skilled university researchers trained in the multiple disciplines of the hard and soft sciences. And as I look at those of you who have dedicated much of your lives to transportation or fields related to transportation, I would remind you that the future of transportation lies not just in the work that you yourself do, but in your ability to inspire in students who are working with you the importance of resolving transportation problems.

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