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Currently Skimming:

Pages 151-151

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From page 151...
... ABSTRACTS AND B E V I E W S 303 Department of the Environment and Fire Research Oflaces' Committee Joint Fire Research Organization List of Reports Published 1958 to March 1971, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, England (March 1971) 20 pp Contents I Stationery Office Pubhcations Fire Research Annual Reports Fu-e Research Techmcal Papers Fu-e Notes Special Reports United Kmgdom Fire Statistics Proceedmgs of Symposia Miscellaneous I I Other Pubhcations Occurrence of Fire Fire Hazards Imtiation and Development of Combustion Fire Resistance Fire Fightmg Detection General, works of reference, etc Instruments National Data Needs: Fire Service Statistics, U.S Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census (1971)

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