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Pages 16-29

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From page 16...
... 16 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers This often requires the following: • A scalable, flexible, protected physical environment to meet current and future needs. • Integration of personnel with broader capabilities and responsibilities, and appropriate cross- training.
From page 17...
... Introduction 17 space. The O'Hare IMC is quickly reconfigurable, using a "no-console" modular furniture design concept.
From page 18...
... 18 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers on the Concept of Operations specific to MDW public safety personnel. For example, ORD dispatches fire personnel from three dedicated fire stations.
From page 19...
... Introduction 19 The APD at this medium-sized airport operates a Police Dispatch Center, linked through the County Sheriff 's Department with other County departments for support during emergencies. TPA has configured an Integrated Communications Center, known as the Airport Operations Center (AOC)
From page 20...
... 20 An ACC may take on a seemingly endless variety of configurations. It will likely evolve and become larger and more complex as the airport operator gains experience with its operation and realizes the increasing benefits of a coordinated focal point for communications.
From page 21...
... Components of an ACC 21 hard to test objectively (e.g., a major aircraft incident or an active shooter)
From page 22...
... 22 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers the policy, should be included. Similar to the policy, the procedure template should be standard and consistently published so that the reader can quickly understand the process that must be followed.
From page 23...
... Components of an ACC 23 Call takers can also use the servicing application to document customer issues or requests and steps taken to address those issues. This creates a record of interactions that can be accessed the next time the customer asks for help.
From page 24...
... 24 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers When considering technology, airport management should ensure a thorough search for the technology that best suits the airport's needs and be wary of marketing material claiming to provide everything necessary for the ACC in one suite. Often, these systems require the airport to have a substantial number of underlying "feeder" systems for the technology to reach its promised potential.
From page 25...
... Components of an ACC 25 technology added to the ACC should be considered in light of the potential changes that could be made in terms of the existing procedures and processes and for the staff involved. One final issue is the there is the danger for "information overload," and, in serious cases, "employee burnout" may be induced by the new environment, because of the possibility of bombarding employees with ever more data.
From page 26...
... 26 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers 2.6 ACC as a Component in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Depending on the size and scope of an airport's ACC, it may have numerous elements that are also important components in the NIMS Incident Command System (ICS)
From page 27...
... Components of an ACC 27 interruption. Given the important similarities between an ACC and an EOC, an airport operator should consider the potential of a relationship.
From page 28...
... 28 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers • In smaller airports, which may have less flexibility in this area, choosing the right people to work in the ACC environment is important. Not every staff member works well in a team and just one person working out of sync can reduce the effectiveness of the ACC.
From page 29...
... Components of an ACC 29 that a rudimentary data architecture -- in the form of an illustration depicting all of the types of data and how they flow in and out of the ACC -- is a useful tool.

Key Terms

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