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Currently Skimming:

Pages 165-173

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From page 165...
... ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 317 Contents Urban and Rural Fu:e Fighting Los Angeles County Operations -- U Routs, Los Angeles County Fire Department Chicago Fire Department Operations -- C.
From page 166...
... CUMULATIVE CATEGORICAL INDEX FOR VOLUME 13 YEAR 1971 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page Chemical Thermodynamics and Fire Problems 161 Chemistry of Fire Resistant Materials and Suppression 236 Commingling of Urban and Forest Fires -- A Case Study of the 1970 California Near-Disaster 35 Condensed Phase Combustion Chemistry 204 Contributions of Analytical Chemistry to Fire Problems 220 Historic Fire Disasters 1 Introduction to Combustion Chemistry 153 New Technology in Urban Fire Control 16 Role of Chemistry in Fire Problems -- Gas Phase Combustion K i netics 187 Survey of the Principal Operational Characteristics of Fire Detector Mechanisms 95 Urban Fire Protection: Studies of the Operations of the New York City Fire Department 23 Where Do We Go from Here?
From page 167...
... ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 319 B Ignition of Fires Page General Thermal Explosion Criterion Application to Initiation by Imbedded Wires 50 Ignition and Combustion of Unconfined Liquid Fuel on Water..
From page 168...
... 320 F I B E R E S E A R C H F . Fire Damage and Salvage Page Effects of Large-Scale Forest Fires on Water Quality in Interior Alaska 57 Fire Behavior of Interior Finish Materials 123 Firebrand Field Studies 125 G
From page 169...
... ABSTRACTS AND K E V I E W S 321 Page Radiation Temperatures of Forest Fires 290 Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Charring Polymeric Solids 129 Thermal Decomposition Products of Phenol-Formaldehyde Laminates.
From page 170...
... 322 F I B E R E S E A R C H Page Fire Deaths in the Third Quarter of 1970 136 Fire Deaths in the First Quarter of 1971 296 Fire Deaths in the Second Quarter of 1971 296 Fire Loss Indexes 83 Fires in Flats and Maisonettes 137 Fires m Hospitals , 78, 298 Fires in Road Vehicles 1968 79 Information Systems for Urban Fire Protection Planning: A Case Study 296 Large Fu-es During 1970 299 Modeling the Dynamic Behavior of Building Fires 297 Reaction Kinetics Ablation Program (REKAP) 139 Smoke Tests in New Law Courts Building 299 Some Possible AppHcations of the Theory of Extreme Values for the Analysis of Fire Loss Data 83 Statistical Analysis of Fire Spread in Buildings 135 Use of a Mathematical Model for the Prediction of the Burn Out of Char Suspensions 137 M
From page 171...
... ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 323 BOOKS Page Electrical Aspects of Combustion 86 Fire Service Hydraulics (Second Edition) 143 Fire Weather 89 IFSTA Catalog of PubUcations and Training Aids 303 Introduction to Fire Science 88 References to Scientific Literature on Fire, Part X X 1969 304 United Kingdom Fire and Loss Statistics 1969 304 PERIODICALS Fire Control Notes 144, 305 Fire Research 1970 305 Record: Property Conservation Engineering and Management 305 306 TRANSLATIONS Some Measurements and Observation on the Phytodynamics of Burnt Areas in Bas-Languedoc Study of the Combustion of a Gas-Air Mixture in a Fluidized Bed of Fine Grain Material 145 MEETINGS Conference of National Fire Service Organizations 93 Fourteenth Symposium (International)
From page 172...
... CUMULATIVE INDEX OF AUTHORS FOR VOLUME 13 YEAR 1971 Alger, R S , 290 Alvares, N .
From page 173...
... ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 325 Kirsop, P , 299 Kishitani, K , 293 Lange, A , 57, 279 Law, M , 278 Lawson, D 1 , 115 Lawton, J , 86 Lee, B T , 140, 297 Lee, H , 138 Lipska, A

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