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Pages 20-20

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From page 20...
... 248 F I R E R E S E A R C H This phase was devoted to the defimtion of aimhary agent/system requirements and to the review of existing knowledge on the performance of various agents and systems under particular fire and environmental conditions likely to be encountered at military airports. Where knowledge was lacking, a series of environmental and small-scale fire tests were conducted, the latter on three mockups simulatmg fires in an aircraft engme, fuel running along the incUne of an aircrt^t wmg, and i n a ruptured fuel tank contaimng reticulated foam Candidate aunhary agents and systems were recommended for the various requirements identified A test program aimed at reducing the number of agents and systems to a minimum was planned and proposed for conduct m the second phase of the project Two other areas were identified as requiring additional work and recommended for the second phase These were the development of a more effective magnesium fire extinguishmg agent and system and the optimization of the design of nozzles and dehvery mechanisms used on portable and wheeled extinguishers.

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