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8 Electrochemical Engineering Approaches
Pages 209-238

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From page 209...
... . Basic approaches exploit high-pH conditions created around the cathode to shift the equilibrium of the carbonate system toward a greater concentration of bicarbonate and/or carbonate ions (La Plante et al., 2021)
From page 210...
... Positively charged cations in the solution migrate to the cathode (negatively charged electrode) , which promotes reduction reactions, and the negatively charged anions migrate to the anode (positively charged electrode)
From page 211...
... Design Choices in Electrochemical Engineering A range of design choices may be available in the construction and the operation of electrochemical reaction systems. These choices are made so that overpotentials at the electrodes or within the cell are minimized, while maximizing current and yield efficiency either when using electricity as an input, or in the case of multiple energy inputs such as electrons and photons/phonons (Nørskov et al., 2004)
From page 212...
... Design Choices in Electrochemical Engineering A range of design choices may be available in the construction and the operation of electrochemical reaction systems. These choices are made so that overpotentials at the electrodes or within the cell are minimized, while maximizing current and yield efficiency either when using electricity as an input, or in the case of multiple energy inputs such as electrons and photons/phonons (Nørskov et al., 2004)
From page 213...
... have been developed and used to improve the performance and to reduce the cost of electrolysis cells. The lowest exchange current densities and the highest catalytic properties for the lowest material cost are desirable.
From page 214...
... investigated the thermal decomposition of desalination rejected brine. Similar to seawater electrolysis, the products are solid magnesium hydroxide (Mg[OH]
From page 215...
... (log10 Conc. (log10 Ionic Strength Conductivity (µS/ Electrolyte Ohmic Current Density -- Current Density -- mineral phase)
From page 216...
... Hybrid approaches A combination of electrochemical approaches that results in an increase in ocean alkalinity and the removal of CO2 from seawater; e.g., as a gas, or in mineral carbonates. Base Process In this approach the base liquid produced by electrochemistry is mixed with seawater/brine to force the precipitation of carbonate minerals.
From page 217...
... ELECTROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING APPROACHES 217 FIGURE 8.3  Simplified schematic of the acid process to remove CO2 from seawater. Systems for precipitating sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
From page 218...
... shows how much of the original dissolved inorganic carbon and calcium in the solution are removed through precipitation, and (d) shows the impact on seawater pH for both cases.
From page 219...
... is essential. FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE 8.6 8.6 8.68.6 8.6 8.6 Simplified Simplified Simplified Simplified Simplified Simplified schematic schematic schematic schematic schematic schematic of ofof of of of seawater seawater seawater seawater seawater seawater electrolysis electrolysis electrolysis electrolysis electrolysis electrolysis for for forfor for for ocean ocean ocean ocean oceanocean alkalinity alkalinity alkalinity alkalinity alkalinity alkalinity enhancement.
From page 220...
... In this context, electrochemical methods have a particular advantage because they may be capable of producing acidity/basicity, in situ, without a need for ancillary additives, synthetic electrolytes, etc.; in effect, the additive demand can be fulfilled by, ideally, zero-carbon electrons. Second, it is critical that the materials of construction, particularly the electrode materials and reactors are abundant.
From page 221...
... . All that said, it is particularly desirable to develop electrochemical processes that have the potential to produce valuable co-products, for example, hydrogen, oxygen, and/or minerals (see Section 8.4)
From page 222...
... species, for example, when alkalinity enhancement of the aqueous phase allows for the additional drawdown of atmospheric CO2; and/ or (3) immobilize CO2 in mineral carbonates.
From page 223...
... The ocean contains approximately 2 mmol/kg (88 g CO2/m3) of dissolved inorganic carbon; aqueous CO2 constitutes only a small proportion of this (~10 µmol/kg at atmospheric pressure)
From page 224...
... to power operations when curtailment is not in effect or cheap renewable electricity is not available. Geospatial and Adjacent Infrastructure Considerations Unquestionably the need for seawater in electrochemical ocean CDR requires the siting of such processes and plants at sites that offer ready access to seawater.
From page 225...
... to convey the CO2 to sequestration sites, or to develop solid waste handling and valorization facilities (e.g., for the potential use of mineral carbonates and hydroxides as construction materials)
From page 226...
... The environmental impact associated with rock extraction is discussed in Chapter 7. Gaseous Chlorine Production In seawater or brine electrochemical reactions (equation 8.5)
From page 227...
... , with membrane-based processes performing favorably. Reduced Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in Effluent Waters Processes that remove CO2 from seawater will, by intention, result in very low dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)
From page 228...
... suggests an energy requirement of 3.1 MWh for the acid process and 4.4 MWh for the base process per ton of CO2 removed.9 There is no comprehensive technoeconomic assessment for processes that effect CDR and use electrochemistry to increase ocean alkalinity. House et al.
From page 229...
... suggest that using a chlor-alkali system to produce NaOH for ocean alkalinity enhancement may cost on the order of $533–$668/t CO2, without including costs associated with acid disposal. If additional revenue was generated from the sale of Cl2 and H2 gas, then the costs for FIGURE 8.12  Bare module costs for an aqueous electrolyzer for a given power capacity.
From page 230...
... . In the absence of cost improvements on conventional electrochemical systems, the cost of ocean alkalinity enhancement through electrochemical methods may be between $150 and $700/t CO2 removed.
From page 231...
... ELECTROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING APPROACHES 231 TABLE 8.4  A Simplified Techno-Economic Overview of Diaphragm and Membrane Chlor-alkali Systems, and Then the Application of the Produced NaOH for CDR by Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Diaphragm Membrane System size (kt/yr) Chlorine production 179 Sodium hydroxide production 197 Hydrogen production 5 Maximum CO2 removal 286 Power (MW)
From page 232...
... (2021) further concluded that electrochemical engineering approaches that involve discharging materials into ocean waters could, in some circumstances, be considered "pollution" of the marine environment under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
From page 233...
... . 8.6 SUMMARY OF CARBON DIOXIDE REMOVAL POTENTIAL The criteria for assessing the potential of electrochemical processes as a feasible approach to ocean CDR, described in Sections 8.2–8.5, is summarized in Table 8.5.
From page 234...
... Provision of sufficient electrical power will likely have remote impacts. Social considerations Similar to OAE and to any industrial site.
From page 235...
... Coupling to Whole-Rock Dissolution Systems Optimum system design will likely require careful coupling between the electrochemical component and that which facilitates rock dissolution. Furthermore, large-scale electrochemical approaches would use a range of local rock resources, and research to assess the impact of realworld rock chemistries on system performance and/or effluent quality is needed, including the potential of using waste rock (e.g., mine tailings, quarry fines, etc.)
From page 236...
... These should be broadened to also consider novel designs of electrolyzers and electrochemical reactors, electrode materials that can minimize the production of unwanted by-products (e.g., Cl2 gas) , electrochemical reactor architectures, and hybrid approaches that both remove CO2 and increase ocean alkalinity.
From page 237...
... 8.3 Assessment of environmental impact and What is the life-cycle environmental impact of Low 7.5 10 acid management strategies approaches? 8.4 Coupling whole rock dissolution to Is it possible to scale electrochemical approaches Low 7.5 10 electrochemical reactors and systems while managing waste acid production?
From page 238...
... As such, the research agenda should also include provision for resource mapping, stakeholder engagement, and wider economic impact from an ocean-based electrochemical CDR industry operating at a climate-relevant scale. The outcomes of the research should be transparently disseminated such that independent assessment of cost and environmental impact can be made.

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