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Pages 211-228

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From page 211...
... A large portion of Halley's science-based writings have been published in his books and sundry reports in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Others are found in unpublished papers in the Royal Society's archives in London, which include journal and minute books of the society as well as unpublished notes on presentations to the society.
From page 212...
... The most comprehensive source for Newton is the Correspondence of Isaac Newton in seven volumes, published in Cambridge in 1975. Unfortunately, one of the best collections of Halley's manuscripts, compiled by former Royal Society Secretary John Machin, was lost.
From page 213...
... It also holds key documents covering various events in Halley's life, such as the filing of a will and other legal actions. Although Halley's papers from his days as royal astronomer are now housed at Cambridge, the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich has substantial manuscript holdings pertaining to Halley and his age.
From page 214...
... Some Halley scholars believe that Martin Folkes, then Royal Society president, authored the piece. Dictionary of National Biography, article on Edmond Halley, by Agnes Clerke.
From page 215...
... 1999. Scientific Discourse in Sociohistorical Context: The Philo sophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1675-1975.
From page 216...
... S 1974."The Manning of the Royal Navy: Selected Public Pam phlets, 1693-1873,"Notes and Records of the Royal Society London, cxix.
From page 217...
... 1994. "Edmond Halley's Use of Historical Evidence in the Advancement of Science." Notes and Records of the Royal Society Lon don, 48: 17-191.
From page 218...
... 1981-1982. "Captain Edmond Halley R.N., F.R.S." Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 36 (1)
From page 219...
... 1976. "Public Virtue and Private Vices: Bernard Mandeville and English Political Ideologies in the Early Eighteenth Century." Eighteenth-Century Studies, 9 (4)
From page 220...
... 1973. The Sea Chart: An Historical Survey Based on the Collections in the National Maritime Museum.
From page 221...
... Cambridge, U.K.: Cam bridge University Press. Landers, J., and A
From page 222...
... London: British Museum Press.
From page 223...
... London: Sam Smith and Benjamin Walford, Printers to the Royal Society. Newton, I
From page 224...
... Royal Society.
From page 225...
... Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark Memo rial Library. Thrower, N
From page 226...
... 1969. "Captain Cook and the Transit of Venus of 1769." Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 24: 19-32.
From page 227...
... . "Monsieur Cassini His New and Exact Tables for the Eclipses of the First Satellite of Jupiter, Reduced to the Julian Stile, and Meridian of Lon don," Philosophical Transactions, 18 (214)
From page 228...
... Isaac Newton, intitled Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Being a Discourse Presented with that Book to the Late King James," Philosophical Transactions, 19 (226)

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