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Currently Skimming:

Pages 211-244

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 211...
... energy efficiency incentives: Evidence from residential electricity consumption in Maryland. Energy Economics 52:S30-S40.
From page 212...
... 2014. Variable renewable energy and the electricity grid.
From page 213...
... Renewable energy market facts. http://www.bester
From page 214...
... 2014. BP Energy Outlook 2035.
From page 215...
... 2013. Leveraging natural gas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
From page 216...
... Energy Economics 30(2)
From page 217...
... Energy Policy 37(2)
From page 218...
... 2011. An energy technology corporation will improve the federal government's efforts to accelerate energy innovation.
From page 219...
... 2010. Public benefit funds: Increasing renewable energy and industrial energy efficiency opportunities.
From page 220...
... U.S. Commerce Department announces launch of i6 green challenge to promote clean energy innovation and economic growth.
From page 221...
... 2014a. Annual Energy Outlook 2014.
From page 222...
... 2014h. Levelized cost and levelized avoided cost of new generation resources in the Annual Energy Outlook 2014.
From page 223...
... electric power system: An assessment of publicly available information reported to state public utility commissions. Berkeley, CA: Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
From page 224...
... 2010. Renewable portfolio standards: When do they lower energy prices?
From page 225...
... 2014. Smart power aniversary edition: Climate change, the smart grid, and the future of electric utilities (2nd ed.)
From page 226...
... In Harnessing renewable energy in electric power systems: Theory, practice, policy, edited by B Moselle, J
From page 227...
... 2012. Including alternative resources in state renewable portfolio standards: Current design and implementation experience.
From page 228...
... 2012. World Energy Outlook 2012.
From page 229...
... 2007. Technical change theory and learning curves: Patterns of progress in electricity generation technologies.
From page 230...
... In Annual Energy Outlook 2014 with Projections to 2040. Washington, DC: EIA.
From page 231...
... Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Larsson, M.B.-O.
From page 232...
... In Annual Energy Outlook 2016. Washington, DC: EIA.
From page 233...
... 2011. Building commissioning: A golden opportunity for reducing energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions in the United States.
From page 234...
... The American Economic Review 101(5)
From page 235...
... 2014. Net Power announces launch of breakthrough clean power project.
From page 236...
... . NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
From page 237...
... 2015. What homeowners say about home energy audits.
From page 238...
... 2010. Report to the President on accelerating the pace of change in energy technologies through an integrated federal energy policy.
From page 239...
... International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 1(2)
From page 240...
... 2007. Empirical challenges in the use of learning curves for assessing the economic prospects of renewable energy technologies.
From page 241...
... Berkeley, CA: Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Sullivan, M., M
From page 242...
... 2012. Technology learning curves for energy policy support.
From page 243...
... 2012. Technology learning curves for energy policy support.

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