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Pages 22-22

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From page 22...
... 250 F I R E R E S E A K C H turbulent combustion have been formulated" wrinkled laminar model, stretched lammar flame model and micro-volume model However, an experimental confirmation of these models cannot be taken as a sufficient one I n this paper, a dimensional formula is proposed for a velocity of turbulent flame propagation Ut/ in a homogeneous combustible mixture as applied to the microvolume model where Xe-microscale of turbulence in a cold stream, <,-igmtion delay at burmng temperature The justification of the denominator of this formula has been given in some papers by A S Sokolik, V P Karpov and E S Semjonov To just i fy the numerator, some measurements were conducted at the Moscow Physico-Technological Institute of a concentration microscale m a wake of a smoke source placed at the axis of a cyhndncal tube 100 mm in dia The microscale has been measured optically at the tube axis Ai r speed and the distance from the measuring point to the source are varied The variation of the microscale against the velocity is shown to be linear. This fact confirms an agreement between the above formula and numerous experimental results which define the relation between the burmng velocity and the flow speed H

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