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Currently Skimming:

Pages 245-248

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 245...
... Library of Congress for its extensive holdings and for use of a research desk there for several years to complete my work and writings. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to Prosser Gifford, director of the Library of Congress's Office of Scholarly Programs, and the directors of its Rare Book and Special Collections and Science, Technology and Business Divisions and their librarians and staff, in particular, Bruce Martin.
From page 246...
... I thank the anonymous reviewers of my work who helped me better capture the nuances of this narrative and better understand English society in Halley's time. I thank the Joseph Henry Press staff, Stephen Mautner, Ann Merchant, and Barbara Kline Pope, especially Sally Stanfield and Jim Gormley, for putting the book together, Michele De La Menardiere for the beautiful cover design, and Estelle Miller and Rachel Marcus.
From page 247...
... Kelly Beatty, Frank Best, Susan M Booker, James Burkhart, David Carr, John Cloud, Sherri Dalphonse, Sean Daly, Ken DeCell, Glenn Dixon,Alexis Doster, David Eicher, Timothy Foote, Paul Glastris, Bill Goggins, Alex Heard, Valerie Jablow, Clara Jeffery, Jack Limpert, James Lockhart, Colin Macilwain, Sally Scott Maran, Stephanie Mencimer, Don Moser, Rachel Nowak, Daniel Pendick, David Plotz, Miles Porter, Ghassan Rassam, John Rennie, Jack Shafer, Gary Stix, Clint Talbott, Kimberly G

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