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Pages 25-25

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From page 25...
... ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 253 differential thermal analyses show that the pyrolysis of lignin is more strongly exothermic than that of cellulose, this is consistent with the data from two sets of experiments with bulk samples of wood which suggest that g= -- 800 J/g for hgmn and g= -- 80 J/g for cellulose, and that hgmii contributes 65% of the exothermic heat of reaction of pyrolyzing wood Data from other experiments in which bulk samples of wood are heated to temperatures greater than 320''C give reasonably consistent values of g= -- (160-240) J/g Where the maximum temperature achieved is less than 320°C, the value obtained for the heat of reaction is highly dependent on conditions and may rise to -- 1700 J/g The role of primary and secondary pyrolysis reactions in determimng the overall heat of reaction and the influence of the physical structure of the wood are discussed Shafizadeh, F .

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