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Appendix B: Health Effects of IPV on Individuals Experiencing IPV Across the Lifespan
Pages 263-282

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From page 263...
... . The physical, mental, and behavioral health outcomes and subsequent health care needs among individuals experiencing IPV are often interrelated and highly comorbid (Mason et al., 2014; Mehr et al., 2022)
From page 264...
... are also highlighted to identify health effects and needs within populations of women, and to elucidate potential health inequities associated with IPV at various points across the life course. LONG-TERM HEALTH EFFECTS OF IPV Overview Systematic review and meta-analysis studies on chronic health conditions and health behaviors (e.g., substance use)
From page 265...
... In this same study, researchers found significant disparities by race/ethnicity in women exposed to IPV, including increased expression of inflammatory mediators CRP, IL-1β, IL-6, and MMP9 among African American women (Halpern et al., 2017)
From page 266...
... published from 1996 to 2006 assessing physical IPV and sexual health found that across numerous studies, IPV was consistently associated with sexual risk behaviors (e.g., inconsistent condom use) , risk of STIs, unplanned pregnancy or induced abortion, and gynecological symptoms primarily in the form of chronic pelvic pain (Coker et al., 2007)
From page 267...
... study of electronic health records found that commonly reported symptoms among patients with histories of IPV included loss of consciousness, dizziness, disorientation, and memory problems. Headache symptoms have also been documented in samples of women exposed to both physical and psychological IPV, suggesting that psychological abuse may have similar effects on neurological health as physical violence resulting in injury (Stubbs and Szoeke, 2022)
From page 268...
... on IPV and asthma, findings suggest evidence for increased rates of asthma among women exposed to IPV, including increased asthma exacerbations and worsened asthma control. In smaller studies, some evidence suggests that women exposed to IPV report increased risks for temporomandibular joint disorder and premature telomere shortening indicative of cellular aging and neoplasms (Chandan et al., 2019; Karakurt et al., 2017; Whiting
From page 269...
... . Physical, sexual, and psychological IPV have all been independently associated with worsened mental health symptoms (Nur, 2012)
From page 270...
... . Sexual and reproductive health outcomes associated with IPV at this developmental stage include increased risk for STIs, self-reported HIV status, pregnancy, and sexual risk-taking behaviors such as inconsistent condom use and having multiple sexual partners (Bonomi et al., 2013; Brennan et al., 2012; Fedina et al., 2016; Glass et al., 2003; Hanson et al., 2010; Hill et al., 2019)
From page 271...
... Acute health effects of IPV in midlife include physical injuries primarily to the head and neck, anxiety and depression, post-partum depression, substance misuse, somatic symptoms including headaches, and sexual/ reproductive health issues including pregnancy-related diagnoses and STIs (Bachhus et al., 2018; Eaton et al., 2016; Kishton et al., 2022; Wu et al., 2010)
From page 272...
... . Systematic reviews of research on IPV among older adult women identified strong associations between IPV exposure and mental health symptoms including depression, loneliness, and isolation (Cook et al., 2011; Knight and Hester, 2016)
From page 273...
... Similarly, an updated review by Knight and Hester (2016) found that most studies reported lower levels of psychological distress among older adult women experiencing IPV in comparison to younger victims.
From page 274...
... . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Systematic review and meta-analysis studies have established multiple long-term health outcomes associated with physical, sexual, and psychological IPV among adult women.
From page 275...
... However, existing research suggests some differences in acute health effects based on age primarily related to physical injuries, mental/behavioral health outcomes, and chronic health conditions. Physical injuries more commonly sustained among older adult women may include upper extremity and trunk-related injuries, whereas younger women may experience more upper extremity strains/sprains and fractures of both upper and lower extremities (Khurana and Loder, 2022)
From page 276...
... 2018. Recent intimate partner violence against women and health: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies.
From page 277...
... 2022. The association between intimate partner violence and functional gastrointestinal disorders and symptoms among adult women: Systematic review.
From page 278...
... 2019. Associations of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and posttraumatic stress disorder with menopause symptoms among midlife and older women.
From page 279...
... 2014. Adult experience of mental health outcomes as a result of intimate partner violence victimisation: A systematic review.
From page 280...
... 2019. Intimate partner violence and psychological distress among emerging adult women: A bidirectional relationship.
From page 281...
... 2018. The association between intimate partner violence and 30-year cardiovascular disease risk among young adult women.

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