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4 Assessment of Vocational Education R&D
Pages 28-43

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From page 28...
... Because the work funded only by USOE could not be reviewed as a separate body of literature, the Committee reviewed research related to vocational education-regardless of funding agency. (The results of that review are summarized in Appendix A, and a related discussion of research issues is presented in Chapter 2.)
From page 29...
... to evaluate broad impact of vocational education R&D. Project Baseline, located at Northern Arizona University, is funded under the federal share of Part C of the 1968 Amendments
From page 30...
... Project Baseline attempted to evaluate state-administered Part C and D projects and federally administered Part D projects; this evaluation of R&D iS just one of their recent activities. Development Associates, Inc., a private management consulting firm specializing in evaluating social programs, attempted to evaluate Part D programs, focusing more sharply on the federal than the state projects.
From page 31...
... 63~. Information about projects was obtained by telephone contact with research coordinating unit directors, project directors, or school district personnel.
From page 32...
... . 1 - -~^A^_ _ _ ~ ~^ _ ~ ^~} $~1~111~11 ~V1 US Problems in obtaining student outcome information were experienced in the Project Baseline evaluation.
From page 33...
... Six projects judged to be successful were drawn from lists compiled by USOE and the Southwide Research Coordinating Council; other examples were supplied by Committee members and a consultant. The nine examples are described here.
From page 34...
... Recommendations made on the basis of the second survey reflect current requirements of the aviation industry. Establishing a method for industry to update vocational curricula may provide more relevant training for vocational students, but the actual improvement in student job prospects and the advantage to employers in hiring graduates trained with this curriculum have not been measured.
From page 35...
... SOUTHWIDE RESEARCH COORDINATING COUNCIL The Southwide Research Coordinating Council, consisting of the research coordinating units in 14 states in the southeastern United States, compiled a casebook of R&D activities they judged to have had impact (1975~. The report is not intended to assess all vocational education R&D, but to demonstrate that some projects have had a positive impact in the Southeast.
From page 36...
... Most of the other projects listed in the Southwide Research Coordinating Council's report have impact measures similar to those in these three examples. For most placement services, management information systems, and evaluation models, adoption by a certain number of schools or school districts is reported as the measure of impact.
From page 37...
... (1967, 1968) constructed "job experience kits" in accounting and six other occupations in order to test the social learning theory that career interests are learned as a result of successfully mastering occupationally related tasks.
From page 38...
... Some of the people interviewed have observed innovative demonstrations and development programs and believe them to be more interesting than traditional programs. In one state, the teaching efficiency in a nursing program has increased due to an innovative project, resulting in a shorter program covering the same amount of material.
From page 39...
... Funding for vocational education R&D has most certainly helped develop research capability and increased the prominence of vocational education. Research personnel have been drawn to vocational education, vocational educators have gained experience in research, and a community of vocational education researchers has developed.
From page 40...
... To assure the elective and efficient uses of these resources and, even more importantly, to determine the real utility of the innovative approaches, it is necessary to gather hard data about their performance. Evaluation is the process best suited for this purpose.
From page 41...
... Impact measures have often been subjective and difficult to validate. They have sometimes been superficial and have failed to consider the long-term consequences of vocational education programs or R&D.
From page 42...
... ; the methods of dissemination; and the degree of utilization of products. A comparative, evaluative data base is needed for determining what vocational education programs and R&D have been effective and should receive continued support.
From page 43...
... . If longitudinal data were collected on new and traditional vocational programs, their differential effectiveness could be studied.

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