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Appendix D: Biographical Sketches of Committee Members
Pages 287-294

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From page 287...
... Other completed professional activities include service as vice chair of the Board of Directors of the Truth Initiative (formerly the American Legacy Foundation) , member of the Board of Scientific Advisors for the National Cancer Institute, and member of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice.
From page 288...
... , and National Institute of Justice grants in her decades of advocacy policy work collaborating with domestic violence survivors, advocates, health care professionals, and marginalized communities. She is particularly known for her research on domestic violence homicide and the development and validation of the Danger Assessment that helps intimate partner violence survivors more accurately assess their risk of being killed or almost killed by their abusive partner that is used widely in the United States and globally.
From page 289...
... Francisco Garcia, M.D., M.P.H., is the director and chief medical officer of the Pima County Department of Health in Tucson, Arizona. Dr Garcia is an experienced administrator, highly regarded physician executive, and internationally recognized expert in public health emergency preparedness, border health, and women's reproductive health.
From page 290...
... She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Esperanza United, a National Technical Assistance provider for community-based organizations addressing Latino and immigrant families affected by violence, and a member of the executive team of LATIN-19 (Latinx Advocacy and Interdisciplinary Network for COVID-19) , a local multisector coalition influencing systems change for Latinx inclusion.
From page 291...
... Dr. Mittal is engaged in prevention and intervention research focused on mental health and traumatic stress, particularly intimate partner violence, and sexual and reproductive health outcomes among populations that experience health inequities.
From page 292...
... Ranji has led several analyses and written a number of major reports, including findings from national surveys of women on health care utilization and spending, state-level policies on Medicaid coverage of family planning and perinatal services, and the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on access to reproductive health services.
From page 293...
... Saltzman Award for her accomplishments in the field of domestic violence research. Mitch Stripling, M.P.A., is the founding director of the New York City Pandemic Response Institute, a resource supporting New York City agencies, organizations, and communities to prepare and respond to critical public health crises.
From page 294...
... Wiley, J.D., M.P.H., is a professor of law and founding faculty director of the Health Law and Policy Program at University of California, Los Angles School of Law. She is an internationally recognized expert in health care access and public health law, policy, and ethics.

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