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Pages 3-5

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From page 3...
... 3   1.1 Background Several recent initiatives specifically have sought to push 3D models into the construction phase of projects. A 3D digital model is defined as a "model-based technology linked with a database of project information, using multidimensional, real-time dynamic modeling software, to plan construction.
From page 4...
... 4 3D Digital Models as Highway Construction Contract Documents the final report from EDC-3 published data on the degree of implementation for 3D models used in planning, design, and construction where significant improvements in adoption were witnessed between the beginning and end of the EDC round (FHWA 2017)
From page 5...
... Introduction 5   A survey was created to capture the state of practice of delivering 3D digital models to contractors within DOTs. Under the guidance of the topic panel, the survey was divided into the following categories: demographic information for respondents, demographic information for 3D digital models, agencies not using 3D digital models in construction, agencies using 3D digital models for information purposes only, and agencies using 3D digital models for information purposes and as contract documents.

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