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Appendix H: Characteristics of the DLW Database
Pages 311-336

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From page 311...
... RQ source (will be labeled as indirect calorimetry for all) Lean body mass (DLWA35)
From page 312...
... Data Sets Requested: Physical Activity data sets: pa_derv_solnas_lad1.sas7bddat Variables requested: all the physical activity derived variables for those included in SOLNAS Data Sets Requested: Smoking variables from tbea_lad1.sas7bdat Variables requested: TBEA1-smoke at least 100 cigs in lifetime; TBEA3-present smoking status Data Sets Requested: Health status variables from mhea_lad1.sas7bdat Variables Requested: MHEA1-HBP/hypertension-self reported; MHEA16-diabe tes-self reported. SOURCE: Data from SOLNAS are publicly available on the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's (NHLBI's)
From page 313...
... Fat Mass (kg)
From page 314...
... 8,190.40] Basal Metabolic Rate Observed (kcal/d)
From page 315...
... M ax] Physical Activity Level Category Observed + Predicted PAL < 1 27 (0.540%)
From page 316...
... 57 (0.723%) NOTE: BMI = body mass index; BMR = basal metabolic rate; cm = centimeter; DLW = doubly labeled water; kcal/d = kilocalorie/day; kg = kilogram; m = meter; max = maximum; min = minimum; PAL = physical activity level; SD = standard deviation; TEE = total energy expenditure.
From page 317...
... Fat Mass (kg)
From page 318...
... 0 (0%) NOTE: cm = centimeter; DLW = doubly labeled water; kcal/d = kilocalorie/day; kg = kilogram; m = meter; max = maximum; min = minimum; PAL = physical activity level; SD = standard deviation.
From page 319...
... Fat Mass (kg)
From page 320...
... Fat Mass % N 208 223 431 Mean (SD)
From page 321...
... 1 (0.0899%) NOTE: cm = centimeter; DLW = doubly labeled water; kcal/d = kilocalorie/day; kg = kilogram; max = maximum; min = minimum; PAL = physical activity level; SD = standard deviation.
From page 322...
... Fat Mass (kg)
From page 323...
... Fat Mass % N 238 201 439 Mean (SD)
From page 324...
... 15 (2.11%) NOTE: cm = centimeter; DLW = doubly labeled water; kcal/d = kilocalorie/day; kg = kilogram; max = maximum; min = minimum; PAL = physical activity level; SD = standard deviation.
From page 325...
... 1,293 (23.5%) Sex Fem ales 3,607 (100%)
From page 326...
... Fat Mass (kg)
From page 327...
... 41 (0.748%) NOTE: BMI = body mass index; BMR = basal metabolic rate; cm = centimeter; DLW = doubly labeled water; kcal/d = kilocalorie/day; kg = kilogram; m = meter; max = maximum; min = minimum; PAL = physical activity level; SD = standard deviation; TEE = total energy expenditure.
From page 328...
... (N = 571) Sex Fem ales 31 (100%)
From page 329...
... Fat Mass (kg)
From page 330...
... Fat Mass % N 0 70 60 0 130 Mean (SD)
From page 331...
... 3,937.13] Basal Metabolic Rate Observed N 31 131 141 130 433 Mean (SD)
From page 332...
... (N = 571) Physical Activity Level Category Observed PAL < 1 0 (0%)
From page 333...
... 7 (1.23%) NOTE: BMI = body mass index; BMR = basal metabolic rate; cm = centimeter; DLW = doubly labeled water; kcal/d = kilocalorie/day; kg = kilogram; m = meter; max = maximum; min = minimum; NPNL = nonpregnant nonlactating; PAL = physical activity level; SD = standard deviation; TEE = total energy expenditure.
From page 334...
... 41.00] Life Stage 19–30 years 54 (58.1%)
From page 335...
... Fat Mass (kg)
From page 336...
... 4 (1.93%) NOTE: BMI = body mass index; BMR = basal metabolic rate; cm = centimeter; DLW = doubly labeled water; kcal/d = kilocalorie/day; kg = kilogram; m = meter; max = maximum; min = minimum; mo = months; PAL = physical activity level; SD = standard deviation; TEE = total energy expenditure.

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