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Appendix A: Public Meeting Agendas
Pages 37-40

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From page 37...
... Appendix A Public Meeting Agendas COMMITTEE ON POLICIES AND PROGRAMS TO REDUCE INTERGENERATIONAL POVERTY Virtual JANUARY 22, 2022 SESSION 1 -- OPEN Objectives To engage experts and leaders from Native American communities and organizations so they may: • Offer a landscape view of intergenerational poverty and mobility in their communities and among the populations they work with; • Discuss key barriers and obstacles they see affecting Native ­American families that are reducing the chances their children grow up to be happy, healthy and prosperous adults; • Discuss any promising tribal efforts, including programs, models, community-led responses, that support upward economic mobility for families and the next generation; • Shed light on the resilience and strengths of Native American com munities to address intergenerational poverty.
From page 38...
... and Mildred Finley W ­ ohlford Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences; ­Director, Institute for Research in the Social Sciences' Secure Data Center, Stanford University EMILIA SIMEONOVA, Professor, Johns Hopkins ­University, National Bureau of Economic Research Facilitator: GREG DUNCAN, Committee Chair
From page 39...
... WALTERS, Professor, Katherine Hall Chambers Scholar, Co-director, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute, University of Washington Facilitator: STEPHANIE FRYBERG, Committee Member

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