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Appendix B: Workshop Agenda
Pages 41-42

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From page 41...
... Appendix B Workshop Agenda JULY 26, 2022 WASHINGTON, DC 9:00 AM Welcome and Workshop Overview 9:15 Session 1 -- Public Health, Safety, and Community Resilience Moderator: Michael Méndez, Committee Member Panel: Diana Hernández, Columbia University Garvin Heath, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Linda Rudolph, Public Health Institute Jason Beckfield, Harvard University Discussant: Nancy Krieger, Harvard School of Public Health Session 2 -- Jobs and Workforce Development Opportunities Moderator: Roxanne Johnson, Committee Member Panel: Mijin Cha, Occidental College Madeline Janis, Jobs to Move America Sarah Truitt, National Renewable Energy Laboratory 10:30 Break 41
From page 42...
... 3:35 Break 3:45 Pathways for the Energy Transition Discussion Open for participation by in-person and remote attendees; open to remote viewing. Representatives will present the key learnings from their small groups.

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