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Pages 41-65

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From page 41...
... APPENDIX fl DOCUMENTS, REPORTS, and COMMENTS Supplied to the Contracting Officer by Advisory Board on Hardened Ele c t r i c Power Systems National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council between January 2, 1952 and September 30, 1970 Staff Material Prepared f o r Panel Consideration (Where applicable, above materials are l i s t e d under subjects to which they r e l a t e . Invention Disclosures made under the contract, which reasonably appeared to be patentable and were submitted via the National Academy of Sciences to the Contracting Officer, are id e n t i f i e d with the Staff Working Papers i n which they are incorporated.
From page 42...
... APPENDIX A, continued Board and Predecessor Materials, cont'd. Reports of meeting of the Advisory Board on Hardened Electric Power Systems and the Office of the Chief of Engineers i n transcript or abstract of proceedings form; began with record of March 20, 1964 meeting and ended with record of A p r i l 17, 1969 meeting.
From page 43...
... APPENDIX A - continued 4 ? Interconnection of Electric U t i l i t y Systems with ABM Power Systems "NIKE-X Power System: Interconnected Operation with Commercial Electric U t i l i t y System," a Memorandum Report prepared by Members of the Special Advisory Group to the Chairman of the Advisory Board on Hardened Ele c t r i c Power Systems, dated May 5, 1964.
From page 44...
... APPENDIX A - continued Interconnection ....ABM Power Systems, continued "Personal Notes which are a Consequence of a Meeting between OCE and Representatives of Black & Veatch at OCE on August 9, 1967," Personal Noted prepared by H
From page 45...
... APPENDIX A - continued Dynamics of Soils and Structures "Summary of Conference Between Representatives of Panel #2 and the Office of the Chief of Engineers on Shock Spectra, Design C r i t e r i a , and Tests," Interim Report prepared by Panel #2, dated November 16, 1964.* UNCLASSIFIED "Protection of Equipment from Ground Shock Using Results of Dynamic Analysis and Experimental Tests," a Staff Working Paper by Richard S
From page 46...
... APPENDIX A - continued Dust and Heat i n the Atmosphere "Staff Comments on Draft of Final Technical Report - IITRI T6138(3) Entitled 'Air Blast Attenuation (U)
From page 47...
... APPENDIX A - continued Precise Power and Electromagnetic Pulses "Staff Comments on Draft of Proposed 'NIKE-X Power System Guidelines (U) ' dated 13 October 1966, as requested i n P
From page 48...
... APPENDIX A - continued Precise Power...Pulses, continued "Electromagnetic Shielding of Structures: Theory and Design Procedures," Staff Working paper by Donald H G i l l o t t , Andrew W
From page 49...
... APPENDIX A - continued Precise Power...Pulses - continued "Electromagnetic Problems Meeting at General Electric Company, P i t t s f i e l d , Massachusetts, on March 10, 1965," Staff Working Paper by John A
From page 50...
... APPENDIX A - continued Precise Power...Pulses - continued "Preparation of Data f o r Evaluation of EMP Test and Design Proposals," Staff Working Paper by John F Calvert, dated June 18, 1955.
From page 51...
... APPENDIX A - continued Precise Power...Pulses - continued "Summary of Comments on 'Test Plan L i s t of Tests and J u s t i f i c a t i o n (U) ,' a Document by General El e c t r i c Company, P i t t s f i e l d , Massachusetts, dated September 20, 1965," Interim Report prepared by Panel #1, dated October 14, 1965.*
From page 52...
... APPENDIX A - continued Precise Power...Pulses - continued "Summary of Comments on 'NIKE-X Experimental Program Discussion Meeting Held at the Office of the Chief of Engineers, Gravelly Point, Va., on August 10, 1965,'" Interim Report prepared by Panel #1, dated August 18, 1955.* UNCLASSIFIED "Frequency Change with Step Load Increases (A Trend Study)
From page 53...
... APPENDIX A - continued Precise Power...Pulses - continued "Use of Aluminum Conduit When Buried i n Concrete," Staff Working Paper by H
From page 54...
... APPENDIX A - continued Prime Movers and Associated Equipment Report i n l e t t e r foim addressed to the Panel on Prime Movers (U) , Staff Working Paper by C
From page 55...
... APPENDIX A - continued Prime Movers...Equipment - continued " I n i t i a l Study of Diesel Performance under Blast Wave Conditions," Staff Working Paper by Richard S Dougall and William R
From page 56...
... APPENDIX A - continued Prime Movers...Equipment - continued "Some Recent Information on Prime Movers f o r NIKE-X Project," Staff Working Paper by William R Crooks, dated October 7, 1964.
From page 57...
... APPENDIX A - continued Prime Movers...Equipment - continued "Comments and Recommendations on 'NIKE-X Cooling Systems: A Review of Systems Concepts and Proposed Test V e r i f i c a t i o n of Selected Components Presented at Arthur D L i t t l e , Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, on March 3, 1955,'" Interim Report prepared by Panel #4, dated A p r i l 5, 1965.*
From page 58...
... APPENDIX A - continued Prime Movers...Equipment - continued "A Brief Review of Draft Copy of 'Planning Report f o r Nuclear Test NIKE-X ABM System (U) ,' October 1965, Prepared f o r the Office of the Chief of Engineers by U
From page 59...
... APPENDIX A - continued Prime Movers...Equipment - continued "Staff Comments on Bechtel's Document, 'NIKE-X Power Systems Engineering and Systems Effectiveness, The Effect of Mass Fires on NIKE-X Power Plants,' August 1955," Staff Comments prepared by William R Crooks, dated November 17, 1965.*
From page 60...
... APPENDIX A - continued Prime Movers ...Equipment - continued "Staff Comments on 'Energy Conversion Equipment Studies and Testing NIKE-X Power System,' Final Summary Report, by Arthur D L i t t l e , Inc., as Requested i n Letter from P
From page 61...
... APPENDIX A- continued Prime Movers...Equipment - continued "Comments on Meeting Held on January 24, 1968 of Panels #3 and #4 with Office of the Chief of Engineers' Representatives Relative to SENTINEL Power Systems," Staff Working Paper prepared by William R Crooks, dated January 25, 1968.
From page 62...
... APPENDIX A - continued Prime Movers...Equipment - continued "Staff Comments on 'Development of Hardened Cooling Systems f o r the NIKE-X Power System (U) ,' by Arthur D
From page 63...
... APPENDIX A - continued Systems Effectiveness (Including Data Collection and R e l i a b i l i t y Evaluation) "Systems Effectiveness: A Brief Summary of the Bechtel Report, 'NIKE-X Power Systems, MAR Plant Selection (U)
From page 64...
... APPENDIX A - continued Systems Effectiveness - continued "Summary of Comments on 'Systems Effectiveness: A Periodic Analytical Review of Data Held on June 2, 1966 at the National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D C.,'" Interim Report prepared by Panels #3 and #4, dated June 17, 1955.*
From page 65...
... APPENDIX A - continued Miscellaneous "Review and Comments P e r t a i n i n g to P r e l i m i n a r y Draft of the 'NIKE-X Power P l a n t C r i t e r i a ' dated June 1967," I n t e r i m Report prepared by Members of the Advisory Board, Panels #1, #2, #3, and #4, and P r o f e s s i o n a l S t a f f of ABHEPS, dated November 13, 1967.* UNCLASSIFIED "Review and Comments P e r t a i n i n g to P r e l i m i n a r y D r a f t of the 'NIKE-X Power P l a n t C r i t e r i a ; S e c t i o n 9, Requirements ( U )

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