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Appendix B: Committee Biographical Information
Pages 43-44

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From page 43...
... He serves as senior editor for AGU Advances and was an editor for Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Global Change Biology, and Soil Science Society of America Journal. Davidson is on the Multidisciplinary Expert Scientific Advisory Group of the United Nations Environment Programme and recently completed a Jefferson Science Fellowship of NAS, where he served as a science advisor to the Office of Environmental Quality at the U.S.
From page 44...
... As an agricultural economist, his work focuses on national-level agricultural and, in cases, forest sector appraisal of the economic consequences of environmental outcomes and policy actions. He began this work by outlining the appropriate methodology to use in a synthesis paper and has applied it in groundbreaking unique work on ozone damages, acid rain, El Nino-Southern Oscillation forecasting, climate change effects, GHG mitigation, biofuel production/policy, bioelectricity, farm program revisions, and climate change adaptation.

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