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Opening Remarks
Pages 5-7

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From page 5...
... Neil Pedersen, Transportation Research Board Tina Frias, Harry Reid International Airport, Chair, Insight Event Project Panel Overview At the beginning of Day 1 of the Insight Event, the two speakers welcomed the audience, provided context for the event, and established ground rules for dialogue. Detailed Summary of Opening Remarks Neil Pedersen opened the Insight Event with brief remarks that introduced the National Academies, TRB, and ACRP.
From page 6...
... She expressed support for the central theme of this Insight Event. She noted that awareness and critical thinking on this event's topic is "often disregarded in the aviation industry." She was supportive of the audience's presence and readiness to "engage in dialogue in hopes of making us better." Frias made announcements regarding the event to follow and recommended the social media hashtag #ACRPIMPACT.
From page 7...
... Tina Frias, Harry Reid International Airport, Chair, Insight Event Project Panel Overview At the beginning of Day 2, the Insight Event project panel chair welcomed and oriented the attendees. Detailed Summary of Opening Remarks Tina Frias started the second day with a brief synthesis of discussions from Day 1 and an introduction of topics for Day 2.

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