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Pages 50-63

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From page 50...
... 50 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers way to illustrate this process is to create an organizational chart, asset diagram, or hierarchy chart that will show how information will be received by the ACC and then disseminated throughout the airport and beyond to external organizations. 4.7.9 Organizational and Business Impact Incorporating a new ACC into an existing airport management's structure will likely result in the modification of numerous functional interactions and physical interfaces outside of the ACC.
From page 51...
... Concept of Operations (CONOPS) 51 The third response -- "mitigation" -- is the most likely.
From page 52...
... 52 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers • Observation through sensing systems (e.g., fire alarms and security alarms)
From page 53...
... Concept of Operations (CONOPS) 53 response to each situation.
From page 54...
... 54 S E C T I O N 5 Simple ACCs have a history dating back to the early part of the 20th century when airports started to become common throughout the world. During the early days of aviation, technology tools were relatively few -- most airports' communication technology toolkit consisted only of radios and telephones and airport staff typically had direct visual contact with passengers, aircraft, and airport facilities.
From page 55...
... Communications Center Design Concepts 55 5.1 A User-Centric Approach to Human Factors (HF) Design To ensure that human factors are sufficiently addressed in ACC design and operation, it is helpful to consider the perspective of the users in terms of the following four key elements of the user experience: • Access to Information.
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... 56 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers • Printing, distribution, management, and storage of paper. • Maintaining normal operations during unusual events.
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... Communications Center Design Concepts 57 • For locations with the potential for natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes or hurricanes) , its ability to withstand those natural events.
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... 58 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers • Site threats -- local utility grid reliability, nearby dangers (such as chemical plants and flammable materials next to the ACC)
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... Communications Center Design Concepts 59 with inherent wireless shielding are available. To enhance wireless reception inside the facility, wireless repeaters may be necessary when the building's structure blocks signals.
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... 60 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers the CONOPS. In these cases, the project manager must elevate the issue to airport management, who must be included in decisions mitigating the effect or in revising the CONOPS.
From page 61...
... Communications Center Design Concepts 61 5.6.1 General Design Considerations In most ACC development processes, it may be necessary to use the services of a qualified design team composed of architects, engineers, and specialty consultants (possibly including audio/video designers, acoustical engineers, and lighting designers)
From page 62...
... 62 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers The technology and human factors/ergonomics designers should be involved from the beginning of the design process. Technology can affect architectural and engineering design significantly, sometimes in ways that only the technology designer can anticipate.
From page 63...
... Communications Center Design Concepts 63 • Conference rooms. • Server/Network Operation Center (NOC)

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