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Pages 7-14

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 7...
... 72.1 Overview The following synthesis of literature represents an analysis of formal certification processes. It includes ISO and other standards and voluntary programs such as industry-promulgated best practices, safety accreditation, benchmarking and insurance evaluations, and government/industry partnership efforts involving the relationship of accreditation, self-evaluation, or certification programs and regulatory practices.
From page 8...
... Chini and Valdez found that ISO 9000 was applicable to the construction industry and was an effective tool for managing quality standards. But there were several drawbacks found in their research.
From page 9...
... weight/oversize configuration is achieved, it is assumed that the carrier would be able to use the exact methods on multiple vehicles throughout its operation without having to repeat performance testing. Enforcement is central to the Fekpe et al.
From page 10...
... Responsible Care's attempt to improve the image of the industry as a whole. [If this happens]
From page 11...
... way that the trucking industry is, with carrier size and operation type varying greatly, the template itself cannot be strict if participation is expected. Therefore, the template guides each unique carrier through the development of individually tailored safety programs.
From page 12...
... Eng (1997) researches the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority's (MTA's)
From page 13...
... Simmons (2000) outlines the Benchmarks in Quality and Safety (BIQS)
From page 14...
... 14 management practices among motor carriers that led to stable and safe corporate environments. The initial finding from this report is that operations that are safe have the ability to enhance the financial stability of motor carriers, as well as increase productivity and retention rates among customers and drivers.

Key Terms

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