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Currently Skimming:

Pages 77-79

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 77...
... . The other two panels that addressed the issue of equity, the socio-behavioral sciences panel and the Panel on Planning, Implementation, and Operations, tended to discuss that issue in the context of costbenefit analysis.
From page 78...
... In this respect, I was interested by the concentration of the social and behavioral science panel on urban problems, because questions of socioeconomic behavior are clearly broader than that. If one analyzes, on a very basic level, why certain kinds of technology do not get implemented, social beliefs and social views probably play a more important role than economic considerations.
From page 79...
... The other reason why we tended to downgrade urban economic analysis is that the problem of the cities is fundamentally not a transportation problem. The problems of race, the problems of the flight from the cities by residences and businesses, and the resulting financial problems of the cities are probably not going to be helped or changed very much by the nature of the transportation structure or network.

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