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Currently Skimming:

4 Pilot Test
Pages 8-11

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 8...
...  Other topics as requested by the pilot testers. The research team provided the pilot states with the draft ISPE Data Collection Procedures Manual the day after the kick-off meeting, on April 04, 2023.
From page 9...
... , to review the ISPE Data Collection Procedures Manual and determine the level of effort and data sources required to collect the data elements defined in the Manual. InTrans has a thorough knowledge of the IowaDOT crash database and many of Iowa's roadway asset databases.
From page 10...
... State State State Data Element Nomenclature A B C Safety Feature Under Evaluation SFUE 1 1 3 Crash Record Number CRN 1 1 1 Crash Date CRASH_DATE 1 1 1 Crash Location CRASH_LOC 1 1 1 Number of Units TOTAL_UNITS 1 1 1 Maximum Crash Severity MAX_SEV 1 1 1 Vehicle Type VEH_TYPE 1 1 1 Posted Speed Limit SPEED_LIMIT 1 1 1 Harmful Event Post Impact with Safety Feature Under Evaluation PostHE 1 1 1 Most Harmful Event Crash with the Safety Feature Under Evaluation MHE 1 1 1 First Harmful Event Crash with the Safety Feature Under Evaluation FHE 1 1 1 Any Harmful Event Crash with the Safety Feature Under Evaluation AHE 1 1 1 First and Only Harmful Event Crash with the Safety Feature Under Evaluation FOHE 1 1 1 Roadway Surface Condition RSUR 1 1 1 Safety Feature Breach BREACH 4 5 5 Predictable Breakaway BREAK 4 5 5 Controlled Penetration, Redirection, or Stop PRS 4 5 5 Safety Feature Penetration into Occupant Compartment PEN 4 5 5 Initial Contact Point ICP 5 5 3 Sub Feature Name NAME 3 5 5 Safety Feature Offset OFFSET 2 3 5 Safety Feature Height HEIGHT 3 3 0 Curbing CURB 2 3 3 Curb Type CTYPE 2 3 6 Curb to Safety Feature Distance CDIST 3 3 5 Tapered Edge EDGE_TAP 2 3 0 Ground Condition GRNDCOND 1 3 6 10
From page 11...
... State State State Data Element Nomenclature A B C Initial Contact Point with Safety Feature Under Evaluation IP_SFUE 5 0 5 Impact Speed ISPEED 5 0 0 Velocity Angle VANGLE 5 0 6 Heading Angle HANGLE 3 0 6 Yaw YAW 3 0 5 Safety Feature ID SFID 1 1 5 Safety Feature Location Beginning and End SFLOC_B & SFLOC_E 1 5 5 Installation Inspected and Documented INSTALL 3 3 6 Maintenance Inspection MAINT 1 3 5 Installation Date I_DATE 0 3 6 Installation Cost I_COST 2 5 6 Repair History R_HIS 5 3 6 Repair Type R_TYPE 0 5 6 Repair Cost R_COST 0 5 6 11

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