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Currently Skimming:

Pages 82-85

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From page 82...
... 82 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers organized to illustrate how the system operates, how its components interact, and the expected business benefit for each application in the environment. An ACC system architecture will comprise several system components, including legacy systems and new systems that will work in concert to create a system in itself.
From page 83...
... ACC Technology 83 • Is the data contained within the legacy application of sufficient quality that, if incorporated into the ACC, it will provide ACC personnel with accurate, timely, and relevant information? • Is the application slated for replacement in the near future due to obsolescence?
From page 84...
... 84 Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport Communications Centers include IP telephony configuration for the user airlines and may extend to visual display units and other airline signage systems. With CUPPS, virtually all of an airport's interactions with an airline can be managed centrally from the ACC.
From page 85...
... ACC Technology 85 • Parking Systems. Although it is unlikely that an ACC will manage a parking operation, having insight about parking availability, lane control issues (e.g., backups on entry or departure)

Key Terms

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