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Currently Skimming:

Pages 82-85

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 82...
... The exceptions that we envisioned with respect to data collection were certain kinds of activity, such as case study development and bibliographic work, in which graduate student effort might very fruitfully be used. Second, Ann found it surprising that the economists were not terribly enthusiastic about the development of additional models whereas the socio- -- behavioral group appeared to be.
From page 83...
... The key issues with which we should be concerned, however, are those which bear significantly upon the ways in which transportation patterns and policy choices affect those problems which are the main problems of the nation. In the urban areas, these particularly include issues of equity, the fiscal crisis, and so on.
From page 84...
... How is the taxi industry affected by government support for transit -- which increasingly includes support for demand responsive, door-to-door transit services? How do various key institutions within the transportation arena relate to one another?
From page 85...
... Historic and international comparative research particularly merit priority in this context, even though it is difficult to conceive in advance precisely what relevance they may have to the immediate issues with which policymakers at a given moment are preoccupied. We should not neglect the need for fresh thought about the perspectives and understandings that provide the intellectual framework within which short-term policy analysis occurs.

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