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Currently Skimming:

Pages 88-89

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 88...
... We gave high priority to research which would enhance abilities to operate those systems. The ability to implement and operate requires major improvements in the planning process, so we gave high priority to research which would improve that process.
From page 89...
... The need is also for basic information about the structure of demand, who wants it and what are they willing to pay for it. The need is for information on how groups, organized in formal institutions or not, collectively go about acquiring and controlling resources, and how institutions that deliver systems function.

This material may be derived from roughly machine-read images, and so is provided only to facilitate research.
More information on Chapter Skim is available.