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Pages 9-14

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From page 9...
... Solutions often flower only after sociological or institutional climates modify to accommodate technological innovations or new ways of doing "transportation business." The keynote speakers concluded that technology is not the only stimulus to improved transportation systems, and that the broad areas of economic and social research are also very important in the search for better understanding of the complex system issues. They outlined objectives and discussed areas of research believed to be important for each of the four panels to consider.
From page 10...
... Therefore, he urged university researchers to study the shortterm consequences of this transition in order to anticipate the alternative options for government and industry. Samuel Klausner, the keynote speaker for the Panel on SocioBehavioral Sciences, said one reason many social scientists have not studied transportation systems is the lack of a coherent theory relating transportation to society.
From page 11...
... The fourth dealt with the effects of transportation on city size and social structure. The next five priority items consisted of such studies as performance measures, technology and innovation, trans portation and the environment, regulatory processes, and the questions raised by conflicting interests in any transportation technology.
From page 12...
... Three of the panels agreed that the universities were better at synthesis and conceptualization than in collecting large amounts of data. The planning panel disagreed with this conclusion and recommended that PUR support projects designed to gather original data.
From page 13...
... The Panel on Socio-Behavioral Sciences suggested that specific percentages of effort should be devoted to research topics. The other panels, however, preferred to stress the key research topics they deemed important and to leave the question of the relative amount of effort for the selection and justification process.
From page 14...
... Bisplinghoff Chairman Committee on Transportation I extend to you a cordial welcome on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering and their National Research Council. We are pleased to sponsor jointly with the department, this workshop on priorities for university research in transportation.

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