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1. Context and Overview
Pages 9-17

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From page 9...
... Thus, for many materials, the differentiation between materials science and chemistry is blurred in a similar fashion to the manner in which chemistry and biology for many applications has become blurred (in the development of pharmaceuticals, for example)
From page 10...
... Biopolymers and biomimetic polymers have several materials properties of interest. These materials have applications in the design and construction of nanoscale integrated circuits, laminated structural elements (smart sensor interiors in automobiles, planes, and trains)
From page 11...
... One area of particular difficulty is using nanotubes for electronic devices. Ideally, carbon nanotubes are unique, low-dimensional conductors with either metallic or semiconducting properties.
From page 12...
... 2 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FIGURE 1.1 Contact of a heated cantilever tip with a thin polymer film to create a nanoscopic indentation. (Figure courtesy of IBM.)
From page 13...
... Both aggregates are complex composite conductors incorporating many weakly coupled nanotubes, each having a different electronic structure. This complexity remains the primary difficulty in both understanding and developing nanotube-based electronic devices.2 Regardless, work on these 2P.G.
From page 14...
... rather than electrons. One of the major benefits in a change to photonics would be vastly increased bandwidth compared to electronic transmission.
From page 15...
... The opportunities in this area are simply enormous. Just as semiconductors exclude electron propagation for certain energy bands and thus allow for the construction of circuits, photonic band gap materialscrystalline structures that exclude light transmission in all directions for specific wavelength ranges are being developed in an attempt to build so-called circuits of light.3 Photonic band gap materials are engineered three-dimensional diffraction gratings with interesting properties.
From page 16...
... In turn, this has generated much work in the area of active organic electronic components and various assembly modes that avoid photolithography. As a consequence of innovations in integrated circuitry, demand, and investment, the number of transistors produced is also rising exponentially (now 10~8 per year)
From page 17...
... Basic and applied materials science is not solely an outgrowth of ceramics, metallurgy, and automobile manufacturing, but instead is interdisciplinary. It combines chemistry, physics, biology, and other sciences.

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