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Pages 1-10

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 1...
... . The decadal survey committee evaluated potential activities by their capacity to address the priority science questions identified by the committee (Table S-1)
From page 2...
... Q6. Solid body atmospheres, exospheres, magnetospheres, and climate evolution.
From page 3...
... MARS SAMPLE RETURN The Perseverance rover on Mars is collecting samples from Jezero crater, a former lake basin carved into >3.7-billion-year-old stratigraphy. This was the highest priority large mission in the prior decadal survey, Vision and Voyages.
From page 4...
... (Chapter 22) Recommendation: Subsequent to the peak-spending phase of Mars Sample Return, the next priority medium class mission for the Mars Exploration Program should be Mars Life Explorer.
From page 5...
... (Chapter 18) DISCOVERY PROGRAM The Discovery program supports relatively frequent missions that address any science achievable within a specified cost cap, with a central goal to maximize innovative science per total mission cost.
From page 6...
... In evaluating the NF cost structure, the committee prioritized enabling access to all targets across the solar system at the potential expense of launch cadence. New Frontiers missions in development, as well as the most scientifically compelling new concepts considered by the committee, have estimated life-cycle costs substantially greater than the prior NF cost cap.
From page 7...
... . Both programs continue missions in operation and in development; initiate the Uranus Orbiter and Probe Flagship mission; increase R&A funding to 10 percent or more of the annual PSD budget by mid-decade; incorporate cost realism and cost cap recommendations for Discovery and New Frontiers; and maintain support for planetary defense, including at least one new mission start (Table S-2)
From page 8...
... The top rows include MSR and the two new large strategic missions prioritized here. Endurance-A and Mars Life Explorer are highly ranked medium-class missions recommended for the LDEP and MEP programs, respectively.
From page 9...
... This matrix illustrates that the collective suite of prioritized missions in the Recommended Program does an excellent job of addressing the full breadth of the priority planetary science questions and does so at a diverse set of destinations. KEY ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation: NASA should evaluate plutonium-238 production capacity against the mission portfolio recommended in this report and other NASA and national needs and increase it, as necessary, to ensure a suffi cient supply to enable a robust exploration program at the recommended launch cadence.

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