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Pages 1-18

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From page 1...
... Escalating injury severity is often a precursor to homicide at the hands of an intimate partner. Additionally, the effects of IPV on gynecologic and reproductive health can be severe.
From page 2...
... Office of Women's Health (OWH) identified a need to identify the essential health care services related to IPV for women and how to plan for and sustain access to essential health care services related to IPV during PHEs.
From page 3...
... , using an all-hazards approach.a The committee's framework shall: • Identify essential health care services related to IPV in non-PHEs (steady state) based on currently available evidence; • Define essential health care services related to IPV in PHEs based on currently available evidence; • Identify ways to prepare for and prioritize the provision of essential health care services related to IPV before PHEs; • Describe health disparities related to IPV in PHEs; • Identify innovations and best practices to prepare for and opera tionalize the equitable delivery of essential health care services related to IPV during PHEs; • Identify promising practices in the prevention of IPV; and • Develop strategies to overcome barriers faced by HRSA-supported and safety-net care settings in providing essential health care services related to IPV during PHEs, particularly for underserved populations.
From page 4...
... The Committee's Approach The statement of task emphasized the value of having an overarching conceptual framework to guide the committee's process for identifying essential health care services related to IPV. The committee selected the Social Ecological Model as the conceptual framework to guide its understanding of the health care needs of women experiencing IPV and to identify the essential health care services related to IPV (Figure S-1)
From page 5...
... Health Care Services Health care services related to IPV are delivered in multiple settings across health care systems, including primary and specialty care, such as practices specific to women's health (e.g., reproductive health care clinics) , perinatal-specific care settings, and orthopedic clinics; emergency departments; and behavioral health care settings.
From page 6...
... ; and insight gleaned from a commissioned paper and presentations to the committee by experts in IPV-related care. The committee identified the following criteria for identifying essential health care services related to IPV: • evidence-based health care services that address the most common and most serious health outcomes related to experiencing IPV; • preventive services recommended by USPSTF and WPSI; and • specific support services required to meet the basic safety and hous ing needs of people experiencing IPV.
From page 7...
... This is the process of collaborating with the woman experiencing IPV to empower her to develop strategies that increase safety by enhancing situational awareness of IPV-related risks in a manner that is consistent with her identified concerns and priorities. It is also an urgently important harm reduction strategy for women who do not feel they can leave an abusive relationship.
From page 8...
... Health Inequities and Barriers to Care Health inequities and other barriers can make accessing essential health care services related to IPV even more challenging. Data indicate that many populations experiencing health inequities also report higher prevalence of IPV.
From page 9...
... In light of this, as well as the serious adverse health effects associated with experiencing IPV, the committee determined that the essential health care services related to IPV during steady state conditions remained essential during PHEs. The committee sought to address the balance between essential services and the substantial service obstacles created by a PHE.
From page 10...
... During this phase, disaster health responders have begun to receive additional resources, such as supplies and staff to support temporary care delivery sites. At this point, while health care delivery capacity has increased beyond lifesaving and -sustaining activities, resources are not adequate to support the full delivery of all essential health care services related to IPV for all individuals.
From page 11...
... TABLE S-1 Essential Health Care Services for IPV During Public Health Emergencies -- A Phased Return to Steady State PHASE WHEN SERVICE SHOULD BE RESTORED Essential Health Care Response Initial Stabilization Service operations Universal IPV screening/ inquiry and education Safety planning Forensic medical exams Emergency medical care Treatment of physical injury Gynecologic and reproductive health care Urgent Non-urgent including pregnancy termination Obstetric care Urgent Non-urgent Perinatal home visits Contraceptives Contraception and not requiring All types of emergency contraception procedures or contraceptives immediate follow-up Screening and treatment Treatment and rapid Treatment and of sexually transmitted testing all screening infections and HIV Substance abuse Withdrawal All treatment treatment mitigation Pharmacy/medication management Primary and specialty care Mental health care Urgent/Crisis Non-urgent Urgent Urgent treatment Dental care treatment for for acute injuries acute injuries Support services including shelter, nutritional assistance, child care Restore services for all patients Selectively restore services for acute needs or restore targeted services Do not restore services during this phase
From page 12...
... Then, as health care staff and supplies become more available, the full essential health care service can be delivered more broadly. For example, unintended pregnancy, as well as IPV during pregnancy, are associated with serious adverse health outcomes, including fetal death and intimate partner homicide.
From page 13...
... The 2023–2025 HRSA Strategy to Address Intimate Partner Violence recommends integrating training for IPV care into existing programs and providing training and technical assistance specific to IPV for the health care workforce. One of HRSA's National Training and Technical Assistance Programs, Health Partners on IPV and Exploitation, provides training about trauma-informed services during steady state conditions, education and tools for building partnerships, policy development, and integration of processes to promote prevention and increase referrals to services for individuals at risk for and experiencing IPV.
From page 14...
... Recommendation 7: The Health Resources and Services Administration should partner with the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response to develop and disseminate standardized guidance for devel oping protocols for intimate partner violence care for disaster health responders as well as the essential supplies required for delivering that care.  Recommendation 8: Federal and state, local, tribal, and territorial government emergency response leaders should ensure that coordinated planning and response protocols for sustaining essential health care services related to intimate partner violence (IPV) during public health emergencies (PHEs)
From page 15...
... Many of the essential health care services related to IPV during PHEs are the same as those for individuals not experiencing IPV, but there are some unique supply considerations, particularly related to caring for a woman who has experienced IPV-related sexual assault or rape. However, standard protocols to guide the allocation of resources, such as supplies and medications, when providing IPV care in austere settings or in disrupted health care environments during PHEs are not currently widely available in the United States.
From page 16...
... These data inconsistencies undoubtedly have slowed the process of identifying effective, scalable interventions for IPV and led to an incomplete understanding of its prevalence. CDC developed its Intimate Partner Violence Surveillance: Uniform Definitions and Recommended Data Elements to reduce these inconsistencies, but it has not been widely adopted.
From page 17...
... The recommendations put forth by this committee outline critical measures that, if acted on, will increase access to essential health care services related to IPV and ultimately save lives.

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