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Currently Skimming:

Pages 14-34

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From page 14...
... The public should be protected from disasters like the Buffalo Cr eek flood. The failure of Dam No, 3 offers an opportunity to study t hese small, but complex, water-retaining structures, ACKN OWLEDGEMENTS The insp ect ion team would lik e to acknow l edge the effo rt s of the Huntington Dist rict, Corps of Engi neers , in gettin g the team to the di sas ter si te.
From page 15...
... Onas Aliff and Mr. Marsh all Zinn, stud en t s at we s t Vir gini a Uni v ersit y , for the l abor atory testin g of t he r e fu se .
From page 18...
... "84 t-' CX> FIGURE 3 Portion o f USGS Lor ado Quadr a ngl e Map s howin g Saund e r s Ar ea . (Sca l e 1: 24000 , Contour Int e rv al - 40 ft .
From page 19...
... FIGURE4 Aeri al Photo g raph of Re fuse Bank and Dam No, 1 as of March 29, 1966, Approximate Sc a l e : l" = 1000'.
From page 20...
... . Appro ximate Scale: l" = 500 ' .
From page 21...
... . Approximate Sea 1e: l " = 500' .
From page 22...
... -- ,-To-' -- ' -- ..__,~7~.J._=~-P..LL½.LLL-,,1,L~bLLL -- ::JJ/l,J'-l-LLJ_ I _ 0 . 001100 _J '" J I COHlES I CO,USf CIAVEL I ""' f CO,USf SANO Mro,uM "Nl SILT O• CLAY FIGURE 7 Grain Size Distribu t ion Curve fo r Coal Refuse Sample Taken at Dam No.
From page 23...
... FIGURE 9 Lookin g Downstream from Left Abutment .
From page 24...
... 3 f r om Lef t Abut men t. FI GURE 11 Looking Upstream at Reserv oir Ar ea f r om Cen ter of Dam.
From page 25...
... FI GURE13 Looking Downs tr eam a t Was hed Out Gul ley by Was t e Pile .
From page 26...
... FI GURE 14 Looking Upstream at Edge of Waste Pile. FIGURE 15 Looking Downstream at Buffalo Creek from Lower Right Edge of Waste Pile.
From page 27...
... FIGURE 16 Lookin g Upstream at Buffalo Creek , 5 Miles Below Dam, FIGURE 17 Home Removed from it s Foundation and Damaged Automobile 5 Miles Below Dam, 27
From page 28...
... FIGURE 18 Town 8 Miles Bel ow Dam. FI GURE 19 Homes 10 Mile s B,elow Dam.
From page 29...
... Bu i lding indicates Church Condemned.) Removed from its Foundation .
From page 30...
... Fourt ee n Mil es Below Dam.
From page 31...
... FIGURE 24 Destroyed Bridge . FIGURE 25 Destroyed Bridge.
From page 32...
... FIGURE 26 Temporary Bridge on Abutments of Destroyed Hi ghway Br idge, Note Debris in Background. Bent Railro ad Rai l s 5 Miles Below Dam, 32

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