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Currently Skimming:

Pages 152-152

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From page 152...
... 304 F I B E B E S E A B C H Titles of Manuals Published Forcible Entry, Rope and Portable Extinguisher Practices Fire Service Ladder Practices Fire Hose Practices Salvage and Overhaul Practices Fire Stream Practices Fire Apparatus Practices Fire Ventilation Practices Fire Service Rescue and Protective Breathing Practices Fire Service First Aid Practices Fire Inspection Practices Fire Service Practices for Volimteer Fire Departments An Introduction to the Fire Service Fire Service Traimng Programs Fire Department Support of Automatic Sprinkler Systems Water Supplies for Fire Protection Aircraft Fire Protection and Rescue Procedures The Fire Department Officer Fire Department Facilities, Planning and Procedures Fire Service Instructor Training Fundamental Prmciples of Mathematics Fundamental Principles of Science Leadership m the Fire Service References to Scientific Literature on Fire, Part X X 1969 by J Crees, Published by Department of the Environment and Fire Offices' Comnuttee Joint Fire Research Organization, Boreham Wood, England Contents Occurrence of Fu-e Incidents, casualties, material loss, statistics Fire Hazards and Fire Precautions Industries and materials Imtiation and Development of Combustion Experimental studies Fire Resistance.

Key Terms

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