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Pages 16-22

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From page 16...
... TR N EW S 30 3 M AY –J UN E 20 16 16 The author is Senior Research Associate, Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida, Tampa. In less than two decades, bus rapid transit (BRT)
From page 17...
... TR N EW S 303 M AY–JUN E 2016 17 The most basic form is a shoulder bus lane, which often can be provided at minimal expense by restriping a lane or by repurposing a lane previously designated for parking or deliveries. The bus lane approach can be applied to a specific route segment or can be limited to certain times, such as the morning and evening travel peaks.
From page 18...
... TR N EW S 30 3 M AY –J UN E 20 16 18 several busways, now considered the country's first large-scale implementation of a BRT-like system. Several other high-quality bus facilities were implemented during the 1980s and 1990s, including OC Transpo's Transitway in Ottawa, Canada; reversiblelane transitways in Houston, Texas; the Metro Bus Tunnel in Seattle, Washington; and the South Dade Busway in Miami, Florida.
From page 19...
... TR N EW S 303 M AY–JUN E 2016 19 apart and placed at the far side of intersections, traffic signals were adjusted to give priority to buses, and low-floor buses were introduced to speed passenger loading. Amenities included lighting, canopies, and real-time arrival information.
From page 20...
... TR N EW S 30 3 M AY –J UN E 20 16 20 Ridership dramatically exceeded the forecasts. Metro had estimated an average of 5,000 to 7,000 weekday boardings in the first year of service and projected an average of 22,000 weekday boardings by 2020.
From page 21...
... TR N EW S 303 M AY–JUN E 2016 21 Addressing Challenges Despite BRT's successes, some challenges have arisen and some implementations have fallen short of expectations. The EmX, for example, experienced several bus–automobile collisions in its early months of operation.
From page 22...
... TR N EW S 30 3 M AY –J UN E 20 16 22 C Tfastrak in Hartford County,Connecticut, is one of the newest bus rapid transit (BRT) systems in the United States.

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