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2 Historical Perspective Leading to the State of Education and Expertise Today
Pages 17-29

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From page 17...
... They acoustically sense their marine environment over ranges from a few meters at high frequencies to across the global oceans at lower frequencies. Remote sensing applications use underwater acoustics across the full spectrum of frequencies, from single hertz to megahertz, for sonar imaging, detection and tracking, measuring ocean states (i.e., temperatures, currents)
From page 18...
... Acoustics education, however, gradually moved from physics to engineering departments, especially electrical and mechanical engineering, which covered subjects related to sound transduction and propagation physics were found in electrical engineering and general subjects of sound and vibration, respectively. These subjects typically did not cover ocean wave guide propagation or the unique issues of sound in the ocean.
From page 19...
... From 1961 to 2023, SIO operated the R/P FLIP,8 which supported research from acoustic propagation to ocean surface and internal waves to ambient ocean sound, including bioacoustics. The cruises of R/V Vema and R/P FLIP advanced the education of the next generation of ocean acousticians by including students in research expeditions.
From page 20...
... The Secretary of the Navy, John Lehman, became concerned about the overall health of the entire discipline of oceanography, not only ocean acoustics and commissioned a threefold approach to invigorate research for the oceans: 9 TAGOS ship designation means Naval Auxiliary or General Ocean Surveillance Ships operated by the Military Sealift Command, see They use towed arrays to gather ocean acoustics data.
From page 21...
... focused on the ongoing problem of acoustic reverberation for the active sonars.16 The Task Force Ocean (TFO) program, started in 2017, by then CNO ADM John Richardson, was designed to advance naval ocean science interests through partnerships with academia and the private sector.
From page 22...
... charged this committee to review ocean acoustics education and expertise, but it is difficult to completely tease apart the federal investment and priorities in research from investments in education, as support for education (particularly graduate education) is heavily influenced by USN investments in ocean acoustics research.
From page 23...
... NOTE: Underwater acoustics is similar to ocean acoustics, but more broad than marine environment. SOURCE: Modified from Howe et al.
From page 24...
... 4. Remote sensing of marine mammals, vessels, and geologic events: Passive acoustic monitoring uses hydrophones to detect and track vocalizing marine mammals, yielding information about the distribution and movement of these top predators.
From page 25...
... NOTE: Federal funding levels for ocean science, of which ocean acoustics is a subdiscipline, indicate that national investment in ocean science research was stagnant (1982–1996) or even declining over the past 1–2 decades since 2010, hindering growth of the field.
From page 26...
... . Figure 2-4 shows a comparison of selected countries' specialization index in all selected ocean science fields (top)
From page 27...
... , ocean acoustics (middle) , and autonomous ocean technology (bottom)
From page 28...
... by Consortium for Ocean Leadership member institutions responding to Ocean Sciences Educator Retreat surveys since 1996. NOTE: The percentage of Ph.D.s conferred is a proxy to the ability for a country to display leadership within the field and also reflective of research funding availability.
From page 29...
... . Chapter 3 outlines the state of ocean acoustics education and training opportunities; Chapter 4 identifies the current and future workforce demands briefly stated here.

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