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2 Existing Infrastructure for CO2 Utilization
Pages 20-43

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From page 20...
... Net-zero enabling technologies and infrastructure are necessary inputs to directly de-fossilize CO2 utilization processes themselves and to achieve net-zero emissions of CO2 utilization systems from a complete life cycle perspective. 2.1 CO2 SOURCES Sources of CO2 for utilization include concentrated point sources of emissions and diffuse resources such as CO2 in the atmosphere and oceans, particularly collected via direct air capture (DAC)
From page 21...
... Fossil facilities include power plants, natural gas and oil systems, and refineries. Industrial emitters include chemical manufacture, industrial gas suppliers, metals, minerals, pulp and paper, waste, and other.
From page 22...
... 22 CARBON DIOXIDE UTILIZATION MARKETS AND INFRASTRUCTURE (b) CO2 Emissions from Industrial and Other Sources (MMT CO2/yr)
From page 23...
... . Dispersed Emissions FLIGHT Reporting Facilities Emissions Power plants Transportation Refineries Minerals Metals Pulp Commercial Buildings Petroleum and and Wood Biomass, Natural Gas Paper Ethanol, and Systems Chemicals Other Waste Biodiesel Residential Buildings Consumption Non-energy use of fuels Other industry - Non-FLIGHT database FIGURE 2-2 Total CO2 emissions in the United States in 2019 not including land-use emissions, showing dispersed emissions (brown)
From page 24...
... Analysis based on ETC (2018) , Carbon Capture in a Zero-Carbon Economy; IHS Markit (2018)
From page 25...
... The current market for CO2 is expected to change significantly as uses in the United States develop beyond the existing EOR and industrial processes, to transformations via mineralization, chemical, and biological CO2 utilization processes. CO2 Being Captured and Fed into Utilization or Storage As of April 2022, the United States has 12 commercial-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS)
From page 26...
... . 2.2.2 Current Chemical CO2 Utilization Processes and Facilities The highest volume chemical transformation of CO2 today is urea synthesis, as illustrated in Figure 2-3, above.
From page 27...
... Methanol from CO2 is the most advanced of the emerging chemical CO2 utilization technologies, with major pilot projects and commercial-scale plants in the works in both Europe and Asia (Carbon Recycling International n.d.; Greenwood 2021; Hobson 2018; Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company 2021; Pires da Mata Costa et al.
From page 28...
... . Using the National Energy Technology Laboratory's CO2 transport cost model, the Great Plains Institute estimated costs for capital investment as well as operation and maintenance of CO2 pipelines, finding that large, shared trunk lines transporting greater than 12 million tonnes CO2 per year could cost less than $10/tonne CO2, while small feeder lines transporting less than 4 million tonnes of CO2 per year could cost in excess of $20/tonne CO2 (Abramson et al.
From page 29...
... McFarlane, 2022, An Atlas of Carbon and Hydrogen Hubs for United States Decarbonization, Minneapolis, MN: Great Plains Institute, GPI_Carbon_and_Hydrogen_Hubs_Atlas.pdf. inverse relationship between cost per tonne CO2 and volume of CO2 transported is expected and argues for coordinated infrastructure development (Abramson et al.
From page 30...
... Thomley, and D McFarlane, 2022, An Atlas of Carbon and Hydrogen Hubs for United States Decarbonization, Minneapolis, MN: Great Plains Institute, Carbon_and_Hydrogen_Hubs_Atlas.pdf.
From page 31...
... , for example, at Wyoming's Integrated Test Center and the National Carbon Capture Center (National Carbon Capture Center 2022; Wyoming ITC n.d.)
From page 32...
... McFarlane, and J Brown, 2020, Transport Infrastructure for Carbon Capture and Storage Whitepaper on Regional Infrastructure for Midcentury Decarbonization, Minneapolis, MN: Great Plains Institute,
From page 33...
... In these cases, the most economically efficient and safest operational profile would be 24/7. Grid interconnection and energy storage therefore can become important enablers to maintain constant operation with net-zero carbon electricity inputs, given the intermittency of appropriately sized renewable energy generation.
From page 34...
... are known commercially to integrate better with carbon capture than existing technologies. Another method for producing clean hydrogen is water electrolysis using low-carbon electricity; as of May 2022, there were 18.5 megawatts (MW)
From page 35...
... SOURCE: Energy Futures Initiative, 2021, The Future of Clean Hydrogen in the United States: Views from Industry, Market Innovators, and Investors, Part of the EFI Report Series From Kilograms to Gigatons: Pathways for Hydrogen Market Formation in the United States, Washington, DC,
From page 36...
... 36 CARBON DIOXIDE UTILIZATION MARKETS AND INFRASTRUCTURE 2.4.3 Water Water is a required input for several aspects of CCU, including for CO2 capture, hydrogen generation, and production of the utilization product, especially for biological CO2 utilization processes that need water for algae and other microbe cultivation. Water use in the United States is documented by the U.S.
From page 37...
... The use of existing natural gas pipelines to transport CO2 in gaseous form reduces this development risk, as it allows existing infrastructure to be used with fewer or no
From page 38...
... Section 4.3.4 provides more detail on considerations for retrofitting natural gas pipelines to transport CO2. 2.5 FINDINGS ON EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE FOR CO2 UTILIZATION FINDING 2.1 Barriers to Commercialization.
From page 39...
... in the United States has been developed for EOR, and most CO2 pipelines connect geologic or fossil sources of CO2 with depleted oil reservoirs. These sources and sinks are generally not aligned with opportunities for sustainable CO2 utilization in a net-zero emissions future, thereby limiting the opportunities to leverage existing infrastructure for development of CO2 utilization processes.
From page 40...
... 2022. "Selections for Funding Opportunity Announcement 2560: Direct Air Capture Combined with Dedicated Long-Term Carbon Storage, Coupled to Existing Low-Carbon Energy."
From page 41...
... 2017. "Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program Dataset." FLIGHT database.
From page 42...
... National Carbon Capture Center.
From page 43...
... NREL/TP-6A20-77610. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

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