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Currently Skimming:

Pages 27-30

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 27...
... The conceptual tools of the social sciences would be used to explicate the political, economic, familial, religious, and other institutional relationships affected by transportation. But with the notable exception of economists, there is a palpable absence of social scientists.
From page 28...
... Therefore, it would seem appropriate to call for a university research program giving priority support to a social theory of transportation. However, instead of simply sounding the call, I will take this opportunity to say what a social theory would look like and to sketch the first lines of such a theory.
From page 29...
... Groups in our society are divided between those who would get from here to there and those who identify themselves with life in the middle related to a territorial base. We have here a built-in opposi tion between an economic structure based on divided labor and regional specialization and community groups for whom the essence of life is being there in the middle.
From page 30...
... This too requires a basic conceptual frame. If the theory is empirically grounded, it will suggest policy options.

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