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Currently Skimming:

Pages 3-6

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 3...
... II. COALREFUSE DISPOSAL BANKSANDDAMSIN THE MIDDLEFORKVALLEY Midd le Fork, located in Logan County , West Virgin i a, f lows northwest and inters ec t s Buffalo Creek at the conununity of Saunders (see Figure 2)
From page 4...
... The USGS Quadr angle Map published in 1968 (see Figure 3) shows the Tai lings Ponds be hi nd bo th Dam No.
From page 5...
... 1 was conveyed by a culvert to the Buffalo Creek Valley where it was collected in a small pond, Water from this pond was pumped to the p re paration plant for reuse in the coal washing process. The inspection team observed evide nc e that the refuse bank at the mouth of Middle Fork was burning both prior to and at the time of the fa ilure.
From page 6...
... Another pollution problem arises from the from the preparation plant effluent be in g pumped into nearby streams , Thus , dams were constructed to provide se ttlin g p0nds for the effluent and to reduce the threat of refuse fires . Although the investigating team concluded from their studies that the se darns were built with a minimum of des i gn and construction control , no loss of life had been reported as a result of coal refuse dam fail ur es in this area prior to the Buffalo Creek disaster .

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